19: Yin To My Yang

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“Are you sure we can do this?” I ask quietly into the phone trying to stay quiet. I was only supposed to be taking the garbage out, but I took the long way and called Zayn. I missed his voice so much, I missed him so much, I needed to hear him.

“Not tonight, and not really for a while.” He says and I sigh, “in a couple months, baby,” he says reassuringly.

“I can’t wait that long, I need you, I miss you so much,” I look around the corner of the house seeing nobody coming this way.

“I miss you too, baby, but we’ll work through it okay?” he says and I smile a bit feeling tears prick my eyes.

“Of course,” I say and it’s silent for a bit before either of us reply. “Zayn?” I ask


“Did you mean what you said?” I ask, “Before we got arrested?” I ask quietly, looking down at my shoes afraid of the answer. Afraid he’d reject it, say he never cared and it was a spur of the moment.

“That I love you?” he asks. When I don’t respond, I hear him sigh and then a door close in the background on his side, “Yes, I do,” I can almost imagine him smiling at me and I smile just knowing that he’s smiling, “I meant everything I said, but I can’t be who you want me to be so don’t fall too hard, babe,” he says and then the line is dead. I pull the phone away from my ear and Pepper’s home screen shows up, so the phone didn’t die, he hung up on me. I sigh stuffing the phone back into my bra to hide it since I was wearing a baggy sweatshirt it wasn’t that hard to hide in there. I walk back in the house and Jessie is standing in the kitchen.

“Thought you were taking out the trash?” she questions. Shit am I caught?

“I was,” I answer with a questioning look and she rolls her eyes smirking a bit.

“We all have secrets, Adriana, just make sure yours doesn’t get out,” she winks and starts walking away from me to the living room. I grab her arm lightly to stop her.

“What are you talking about?” I whisper and she smiles crossing her arms

“Adriana, you can’t be that stupid can you?” she asks, “I won’t tell anyone, just do my chores for me and I’ll keep it quiet,” this time I let her walk away from me. I’ve been caught; Pepper is going to kill me. I shake away the thoughts and walk through the doorway to the dining room, seeing everyone sitting at the table leaning over pencils, doing homework I’m assuming.

“Nice of you to join us, Adriana,” Nadia greets; I smile lightly and nod, seeing paper and a few pencils on the far table. I walk towards them and pick up the blank sheet of paper, and a few pencils.

“Can I take these upstairs?” I ask and Nadia nods.

“We try to make the group home seem as home like as possible,” she says I pick up a couple more pieces of paper and walk up the stairs to mine and Pepper’s room.

“Whatcha got?” she asks once I walk in the room. I set the papers down and sit in the rolling chair.

“Paper,” I answer simply and pick up a sharpened regular pencil. I stare at the blank piece of paper for a second, before an idea runs through my head, a smile spreading across my face. I press the sharpened end of the pencil to the fresh paper, my hand gliding across in a circle motion, filing in the blanks as I go. The sketch becomes sloppy, but in a good way. I bring my lip in between my teeth, my eye brows furrowed in concentration as I slowly make something from a blank sheet of paper.

“I didn’t know you could draw,” Pepper says sitting down in a chair beside me.

“I drew a lot before my parents died, and the last time I drew was…”I think back at the memories of the last time I drew, “It was-um-with Zayn,” I say stopping the pencil in its motion. I hadn’t even paid much attention to the thing I was drawing.

“What is this?” I ask walking into a room I’ve never seen before, the floor was bare, the wood foundation the only thing on there. The walls were spray-painted, or regular painted everywhere, in random places. Some things small, some larger.

“It’s where I draw, or paint, just a get away,” Zayn shrugs walking behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder as I glide my hand across the uneven surface of the wall. So many different designs, flowers, people, symbols, animals even, and I don’t doubt every drawing means something.

“Can I draw something?” I ask quietly and I see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

“Sure,” he steps away from me; grabbing my hand and leading me to the closet, assortment of different types of artistic tools fill it. From charcoal, to paint, to spray paint, to pencils. Almost everything you could imagine in one closet.

“I don’t know what I should use,” I say, my mouth slightly agape as I stare at the colors.

“What about the Yin Yang?” Zayn suggests. I smile and nod grabbing the pencils and looking around the room before spotting the spot I want to do it at. I take the regular pencil and sketch a rough outline of a circle.

“You know, it works better if you do it like this,” he says taking a different pencil and drawing a circle beside mine. He then draws two circles, one on top of the other, a smaller, darker circle in the middle of both.

“This way you have something to form the swoosh thing,” he smiles setting his pencil down on a table.

“Wait, draw with me,” I request, he nods and grabs a few more pencils, and continues his Yin Yang, as I continue mine. The world didn’t seem to have a ‘good’ and ‘bad’ at that point, because everything in the world seemed right. It felt right. It felt like I belonged in this moment, in this time and I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I step back from my Yin Yang, as Zayn steps away from his, almost identical Yin Yangs. His a green and blue, and mine a pink and green.

I stare at the Yin Yang in front of me, it’s the same thing we drew together, and it’s our matching tattoo. I need Zayn.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I loved writing it! I hope you liked the flashback of her and Zayn and a new undiscovered talent of Adriana's :) so yeah that's all I have to say, STARTING TOMORROW I WILL BE UPATING DAILY!!:D for all of spring break!

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx 

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