17: Tattoos

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“You have got to be kidding me,” I breathe out shaking my head. I’m staring at the curly haired freak that I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is cheating on me with. I mean he brought her over all the way from America to watch me? What kind of sense does that make? He must think I’M really stupid

“Do you two know each other?” Nadia asks and Pepper nods

“We were at the same bust,” she nods staring at me with the same hatred that I was staring at her with.

“Great, you can share a room then,” she smiles. Pepper and I both give her a ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ look and Pepper sits next to me in the empty chair.

“So go around again and introduce yourselves and say the same things that you did before,” Nadia says. Maria returns to her seat as we go around the room and then it gets to Pepper

“Pepper, 18, just got here and drugs I guess,” she shrugs.

“Well okay, I’ll finish,” Nadia says, “I’m Nadia and I’m here to help all of you gals become better people for the community,” she says

“So we aren’t good people?” I ask harshly and eye her suspiciously.

“No, you are, it’s the things you’re doing that are hurting not only the communities, but families,” she says sounding like a therapist.

“Okay, can we-erm-go see our room?” I ask

“Of course,” Nadia nods, “Shelby why don’t you take them up?” She says. Shelby nods and stands up, flattening out her short summer dress.

“Right this way,” she smiles a perfect smile and walks us up the stairs, swaying her hips way too much as she walks up the stairs. My bags we’re already brought up here by some of the girls, I haven’t seen my room, and this is the first time I will.

“Here’s your room,” she smiles opening the door. A light blue covers the wall; a couple of Chinese symbols for Peace and Love are above each bed. White curtains hanging loosely against the window, each bed is a twin, a white, blue and black duvet on top and pillows organized neatly. There are two closets, both on opposite sides of the room.

“The bathroom is right over there and then there’s another one downstairs by the kitchen,” Shelby smiles walking out of the room.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to learn to get along in here,” Pepper sighs sitting on the bed closest to the window that I guess she’s claimed

“Or at least pretend, because I don’t, and probably never will, like you,” I say rudely and pull clothes out of my bag, shoving them in the dresser by my bed.

“What happened at the bust anyway?” She asks

“Weren’t you there?” I ask and she nods

“Yeah, but the cop drove me away before anything else could happen,” she sighs

“Well, the cops saw me and Zayn and they came over to us, Zayn got arrested for some reason and I got put in here because I was just barely over the illegal amount of marijuana,” I say folding up my bag and shoving it under the bed.

“Za-erm-Malik got arrested?” she asks standing up and putting her stuff away, no shit, that’s what I just said now isn’t it? God, I swear she’s an idiot.

“Yes,” I say despite what I was thinking and what I really wanted to say, but pushing those thoughts away I remember that I am only here for a short amount of time, I think, at least I hope I am. I’ll have to ask Nadia about that. Although I’d really not like to ask her about anything, she doesn’t seem like one who likes talking, and she seems really annoying. I mean, I know she’s trying to help us and everything, but honestly there must be a better, less annoying way to do it.

“That’s crazy” she says shaking her head shoving the last of her clothes in the drawers. I nod and she sits down on her bed.

“Who turned us in?” I ask and she shrugs. Honestly, people were stupid to turn us in. One other person turned us in 3 years ago, but they reported our fake location. We have two, the one at Jerrod’s which is the official, and the one at Drew’s which is where we only host parties and get our drugs for those weeks.

“I’m going to get ready for bed,” she says standing up and grabbing some sweats and a tank top from the drawer, she walks out of the room grabbing something else along her way. I walk over to my dresser and pull out some bedtime shorts and one of Zayn’s black shirts that was honestly, way too big on me. I look down at my ankle, the anchor tattoo prominent and colors obvious due to the fact that I only got it about a month ago. The anchor is a greyish black color, a pink bow wrapped around it.

“I’m probably going to head to bed soon,” Pepper says tossing her clothes next to her bed. She turns around and sets something down and I notice ink on her shoulder.

“What is that tattoo?” I ask, not really thinking about the fact that we are supposed to hate each other.

“Which one?” She asks laughing lightly. I crawl off my bed and point to the one on her shoulder

“Oh,” she smiles lightly moving her tank top, it was a Chinese symbol with the date 51511 under it

“What does it mean?” I ask looking up at her, she sits down across from me on her bed and sighs, picking at the skin around her fingers before looking back up at me.

“The symbols says love, the date under it is the day my grandmother died,” she smiles sadly, probably remembering her grandma.

“I’m so sorry, Pepper,” I whisper not really knowing what to say. I don’t know how to comfort you, or anything we’ve never done this.

“What’s this one?” she asks pointing to my anchor on my ankle

“The anchor symbolizes strength and to not float away with the waves, the bow just makes it look cute,” I smile and she nods

“What others do you have?” She asks and I shrug

“I have around 13 more,” I tell her

“I want to see,” she says smiling a genuine smile. And that’s how Pepper and I sort of connected. Sharing different stories of different tattoos, the meanings and random backstories. And I’ve come to realize, Pepper actually isn’t that bad.


Hey guys! I hope you liked seeing a softerish side from Pepper, I actually liked writing it!:) so today we got our uniforms and I'm number 12!!!:D I've had that number for....this will be my 4th year as number 12 and I'm so excited! Yeah so anyway, erm I think that's all I got! I hope you guys liked this chapter and I LOVE YOU:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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