Chapter 9. Is it sorted yet...?

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Chapter 9

We all pulled back out of the hug, “Em, lets take a look at you” Ryan said so i lifted up my top. Livvy gasped as i had red marks and bruises from where Michael had hit me. I pulled Gavin over and cried into his chest. He was rubbing my back and Ryan was looking at the marks. “I’m gonna talk to Michael and Geoff about what has just happened because i can’t let him do this to you” Ryan said to me. I nodded, “Thanks, but what about if I’m with Gav and Michael sees... What will i do then?” i asked. “I’ll give him a piece of my mind” Gavin said and held me round the waist.  “Thanks Vav” i said. “I’ll be back soon, just try to avoid Michael” Ryan said and then kissed me on the head and he left. “Liv, if Michael asks about me say she said fuck off and walk away. Don’t let him hit or hurt you” i said and she nodded. “I will” Livvy said and nodded. “I think i might take a walk” i said and walked out. “Want me to come too?” Gavin asked; i turned around. “That would be nice” i said and gave a quick smile. “I’ll tell Ry” Livvy said and then she left. Gavin came over and held my hand and then we left the building and went on a walk around the block.

When Gavin and I got back, before we walked up to the entrance i pulled Gavin aside. “You okay?” he asked. “I don’t know what to do, i can’t even handle a steady relationship without something fucking it up” i said and Gavin was watching me. “Just because i kissed you Michael beats me up, it’s not your fault so I don’t see why he has to hurt you too. Its mine” i said and looked down. “It’s not your fault, love. Michael is hurting you because he wants the relationship with you and him. It’s his fault for not realising you and him aren’t working out” Gavin said. “I just don’t see why Michael has to use violence against all of this” i said and looked up to Gavin. “It’s just how Michael works, Em” Gavin said. “I just hope Ryan knocks some sense into the knob” i said and Gavin chuckled slightly. “Thanks for the talk Gav, means alot” i said. “It’s nice to talk to someone about this kind of thing” Gavin said. Gavin bent down and pecked my lips, as he parted i pulled him back down and went in for a more deep kiss.

Ryan’s POV

I was talking to Geoff about what Michael has done to Emily. I felt something inside of me which made me hit the wall. I rested against the wall, “I know buddy. I’d bee the same if it was Millie” Geoff said. “I’m gonna talk to Michael” i said and stood up. “Okay, be careful” Geoff said and i nodded and went to my desk where Michael was talking to Lindsay. I walked down and Michael noticed me. “Ryan” Michael said and walked round the desk. “Michael, we need to talk” i said and we reached each other. “Okay, ‘bout what?” he asked, being cocky is not good when I’m in a mood. “About you and my sister, with you beating her” i said. “I see” Michael said. “Why do you do it?” i asked. “Cuz its fun” he said. “Don’t you lie to me” i grumbled and looked down to him. “She and Gavin were together, when Emily and I are together” Michael said. “They were walking to work together” i said. “But i caught them kissing and she went onto him” Michael argued back. “Well, you should realise that she may not want to be with you anymore” i said. “Well, we never split up so we were technically together still” Michael said. “Well, instead of fighting you should’ve talk to her about it” i reasoned with him. “So, talk to her and see where you two stand” i said. “I want an apology” Michael said. “Well, you’ll have to ask her for that” i said. “If she apologises to me, i won’t hurt her anymore. If she doesn’t, then-” i cut him off. “You still will not hurt her. Got it!” i shouted. “Okay...” he said and had a small smirk across his face but it soon left. “Okay, i won’t hurt her no more” Michael said. “Good” i said. “I’ll tell her to come and see you then” i said. “Kay then” he said and then i nodded and left to find Emily.


Gavin and I went inside and made our way back to the AH office. Gavin went in but i waited a while and he looked back, “Come on” he whispered. I didn’t move but he put his hand out and i grabbed it and then i went in the office. I noticed no Ryan and no Michael. I walked over to Geoff and hugged him, “You okay Em?” Geoff asked. “Abit, where’s my brother?” i asked. “Talking to Michael” Geoff said. “Em, come here” Ray said and i went over and he hugged me. I pulled back and he held my hands, “This will get sorted, I promise” Ray said and i smiled. “Thanks Ray” i said. “Don’t worry, you have the best brother ever to help you through it all” Jack said and i hugged him. “Yeah, thanks Jack” i said. “And the best friends ever, we’re all family” Gavin said. I smiled and ran up to him and jumped onto him and kissed him passionately. “Are you two a thing?” Geoff asked. “Does Michael know?” Jack asked. “Well, he saw us kiss and he don’t like it” i said. “Yeah, then fights broke out” Gavin said. “Em” i looked and saw Ryan in the door way. “Yeah?” i asked and got down from Gavin. “Michael wants to talk to you” Ryan said. “Okay... sure” i said. “He’s in the kitchen” Ryan said and then he sat on the arm of the sofa. “Ryan, it’s okay. I won’t let him hurt me” i said and hugged my brother. I felt Ryan softly crying onto my shoulder, “It’s okay” i said. “It’s not though! Not when someone is abusing my little sister it’s not!” Ryan shouted and left the room. “I’ll go and see to him” Ray said and he left. “Thanks” i said and then i went to go and talk to Michael. 

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