Chapter 15. A old Friend

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Chapter 15

"Vav!!!" i called from downstairs. "What!!?" Gavin shouted. "Can we watch a film?" i asked looking up the stairs. Gavin came to the top, "Like what?" he asked. "JACKASS!!" i shouted and Gavin laughed. "Course love" Gavin said and i jumped up and down in excitement. I got on the sofa and loaded up Netflix. Gavin came down and he had his laptop, "Whatchu doing on there, Gavino?" i asked. "Looking at edits that need to be done and stuff" Gavin said as he sat on the sofa. "Can you put it down while we watch?" i asked. "Hmm" Gavin said and typed some things then shut it and put it down. I cuddled up to Gavin, "Is this an excuse for you to cuddle me?" Gavin asked. "Maybe" i said and he chuckled. "Which one?" Gavin asked as i went onto our list. "Number two" i said and clicked it. "Okay" Gavin said and then it loaded. I put the remote down and got comfy. "You love these don't you" Gavin said and i nodded.

Gavin's POV

Jackass was near the end and i looked down and Emily had fallen asleep. I smiled and then i lowered the volume and got my laptop, doing my best not to disturb Emily. I got it and then opened it and it came on. My wallpaper was of Emily pulling my lip with her teeth and i looked down and saw a big love bite on my neck. ^I remember that^ i thought and smiled at the thought. I then saw a Skype notification and it was that Dan Gruchy is online. I looked a the time and it was 1AM here so it is around 7PM there. I got a message from him;

Dan Gruchy: Hey B! Is it like 1 in the morning there?

GavinoFree: Hi B, yeah it is Em and I were watching Jackass number two but she fell asleep

Dan Gruchy: Aww, so i hear you two are a thing, couple type thing now?

GavinoFree: Yeah we are we're both tippy toppers. How are you?

Dan Gruchy: I'm good. Can we video chat, we need to talk?

GavinoFree: Sure! ;P

I then saw Dan Gruchy is calling so i answered with video. "Hi B" Dan said and i turned down the volume abit in case it woke Emily up. "Hi" i said. "I can see Emily all cuddle up against you" Dan said and i smiled looking down. "Gav... I'm coming to Austin" Dan said and i looked at him. "W-what?" i asked. "I got a flight and I'm leaving to come in about and hour's time" Dan said. "W-why?" i asked shocked. "Well, i also heard that Liv, Em's cousin, is there and i wanna talk to her you know, chat it up" Dan said with a smirk. "You know she married Caleb... right?" i said. "You know she still hates you?" Dan sassed me back. "Actually, Livvy and I are good friends" i said back. "I'll see you around 11 or 12, B. Bye" Dan said and ended the call. I lent back shocked about what is gonna happen at work tomorrow. I put down the laptop and got Emily in my arms. Emily moaned and got comfy and then settled back down. I took her upstairs and lay her in bed; i kissed her forehead and then covered her over. I walked out and shut the door and went back downstairs. I went on my laptop and tried to edit and get all this off my mind.

I woke up and it was 5AM. "Fuckk...." i groaned and sat up and my laptop fell down onto the floor. "Fuck you" i said and shut it down. I saw the TV was still on and i turned it off; i got up and made my way upstairs. I got into bed and tried to get back to sleep.

"Gavin!! Get up you pleb!" i heard Emily call. "Uhhh" i said all tired and i let my eyes get used to the light. "Come on, we gotta go work and shit" Emily said. I sat up, "Did you like stay up all night?" Emily asked coming over to me. "Yeah... i got carried away editing after Dan told me-" i stopped midsentence and went all dizzy. "Dan? What did he tell you?" Emily asked. "He's coming here today, he's gonna get with Livvy. I told him she's married but i forgot the kid part as he just left as he was making his way over here" i said and rubbed my eyes. "Well, fuck my knob" Emily said and i chuckled. "We better tell the guys at work when we get there then" Emily said and then we got ready and made our way to work.


We got to work and went to the Achievement Hunter office. As i walked in I sat down at Gavin's desk, "Guys!" Gavin shouted and everyone looked. "What's wrong Gav?" Ray asked. "Is Livvy and Caleb here yet!?" Gavin exclaimed. "We have news and it's urgent" I said. "I'll go and get them" Ryan said. "Thanks Rybread" i said as he left. "What's the rush?"Geoff asked. "Dan is coming here to Austin around 11 ish and he said he wants to get with Livvy!" Gavin said. "Who wants to get with me?" Livvy asked coming into the office with Caleb at her side. "Dan is coming, and you know how he feels about you" i said after i got up and let Livvy sit down as she is pregnant with hers and Caleb's baby. "What!?" Caleb exclaimed. "I'm not in love with him, Caleb. Calm down; what are we gonna do!?" Livvy asked. "Just tell him that you married Caleb and that you have a baby on the way and be like "Dude, fuck off" and walk away" Michael said. "But Dan will not stop... he knows they are married but he will make it happen. No matter how hard it is" Gavin said. "Dan is like a really good friend to me, but he will not take away my wife" Caleb said and Livvy smiled up to him. "Well, what will we do?" Jack asked. "We're gonna show him how much Livvy loved Caleb and that she will not love Dan... But let him down low and make sure he understands" I said. "I have a quick question" Ryan asked. "You're on a murder break, Ryan. So don't bother" Michael said and the office chuckled. "Okay" Ryan said and smiled. "Why can't we just kick him in the balls?" Livvy asked, the office laughed. "If only" Geoff said. "Ray, you and I will go and pick up Dan from the airport and then shit is gonna go down" Gavin said and Ray nodded. "It's gone 10 so you better leave soon" i said to them. "X-Ray and Vav!!" Gavin and Ray called and left the office. "See you in a bit, love" Gavin said and i kissed him then he ran and caught up to Ray.

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