Chapter 19. End... or Not?

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Chapter 19

Gavin's POV

I came out the bathroom and it was around 8PM. I went into the bedroom and got changed into comfy clothes. I then went downstairs into the lounge and saw Emily and Cody snuggled up together. I smiled taking a picture of the two. I went into the kitchen and got a snack. I sat down eating my chocolate bar i went on my phone checking things. Cody yawned and got of the sofa and he stretched. "Wanna go on a walk buddy?" i asked Cody and he ran to the door looking back at me. I got up and got shoes on grabbing Cody's lead and i covered Emily up before we left. I put Cody's lead on and we went on a walk.

We got back and i shut the door as Cody ran into the house. Cody began to bark, "Cody, quiet!" i said and locked the door. Cody carried on barking and he ran and pulled me over to the couch. "Emily!?" i shouted. Cody was running around the house looking for her. I began to panic and i ran upstairs and checked every room and anywhere she could get. Cody was whining and scratching the back door. I let him out and he ran around the garden looking. "Emily!!!!" i screamed and felt the tears falling. Cody ran up the garden and into the house and then a gun shot was fired and it went through the kitchen window right beside me. I shut the door locking it and hid down low. I got Cody and wet upstairs into our bedroom. I got my phone and called Ryan, "Hey Gav, what's up?" he asked. "You- its- Emily, she-" i chocked on my sobs. "What? Where is Emily!?" Ryan shouted. "She's gone, i don't know where. I almost got shot and I'm really scared" i said in tears. "Don't worry, we're gonna get the son of a bitch who's got my sister" Ryan said. "Get Michael, Ray and Geoff; I'll need to keep Cody safe and tell Liv and Caleb, they need to know" i said. "Will do; meet me at Geoff's" Ryan said and he hung up. "Right Cody, we've gotta save Emily. We're gonna run to Geoff's and you're gonna stay there. Ready?" I asked and he barked. "Let's do this" i said and grabbed his lead and we got down to the bottom of the stairs and went out the door. I locked it and Cody and i ran down the road and managed to get to Geoff's.

Ryan, Michael, Ray, Geoff and I were in the kitchen. Griffon was with us and Millie was in bed and Cody was lying on her bed. "Right Gav, tell us what you know" Geoff said. I sighed, "At about 8 i came out the shower and went downstairs to find Cody and Emily asleep on the couch. Then i took Cody on a walk for about half an hour and when i got back he was barking. He was telling me to come to the couch and he pulled me over and Emily was gone. We looked all round the house and then i came down the stairs and Cody went into the garden. Then he came back in and i almost got shot and then i locked the door and we went upstairs. That's when i called Ryan and then made my way here" i said. "My guess is she's been kidnapped and the person how has done this isn't too far away from your house" Geoff said. "He also wants Gavin dead" Ray said. "Fuck" i breathed out and brushed my hand through my hair. "We're gonna find her Gav, so when are we gonna get these sons of bitches!?" Michael said. "Well, we need to know where they are and how to get there" Ryan said. My phone began to ring, i pulled it out my pocket and some unknown number was trying to face time me. "Guys..." i said and they all gathered round and i clicked answer. It connected and there she was... Emily. She had a big cut on her head, ropes round her neck and a gun pointed to her head. "Show yourself you fuck!" Michael shouted. The camera moved back and then someone walking in and stood next to Emily. Now we had a better look at Emily; all her clothes were ripped and she had bruises and cuts all over her. "Who are you!?" Geoff asked. The man removed his glasses, "The names Bill, Bill Crave. If you want Emily back you'll have to follow my instructions" Bill said. "What instructions?" Ray asked. "Firstly, i want you to come to my place where i have Emily captured. Secondly, i want the boyfriend" Bill said. "Gavin!!" Emily shouted and that broke my heart. Bill then turned and slapped her across the face, "Leave her alone you fuck!!" i shouted. "Come to the abandoned car park down town, we'll discuss more there" Bill said and the call ended. I began to breathe heavily, "Gav, Gavin you okay?" Ray asked coming to my side. I couldn't breathe, "Gav, calm down" Michael said and sat me down on a chair. "Shhh, shhhh" Michael said and i managed to calm down and i just fell onto Michael and he hugged me tight. "Grif, stay here look after Millie and Cody. I'm going with them to get Emily back" Geoff said and she nodded and they kissed and hugged. "Look after yourself too. I don't know when I'll be back, just stay safe" Geoff said. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" Geoff said and Griffon hugged me tight and then we all got in Geoff's car and left to get Emily back.

We got there and we pulled in. Geoff stopped the car and we all got out. "I'm guessing they're inside the building over there" Ray said. "Let's get them bastards" i grumbled and walked forward and the others followed. We got there and went in, "Where would he be?" Ryan asked. "Don't know" Geoff said. "Gavin, the boyfriend!" we heard and saw Bill walking towards us. He had two men and one had Emily and the other had a gun. I gulped and the man threw Emily to the ground. I went to go for her but the other man pointed a gun at me, "Go for her, you die" Bill said and i backed up. "Let her go" Ryan said. "Who are you?" Bill asked. "Her motherfucking brother so you better let her go" Ryan grumbled. "Or what?" Bill asked. I then heard a gun be pulled out and two shots were fired. I looked and Michael had shot the two other men. "You guys make another move the girl dies" Bill said. "You're fucked now Bill" Geoff said. "Oh am I?" Bill asked. I then ran and charged at Bill knocked him down and i punched him. I then saw blackness...

Ryan's POV

I watched as Bill punched Gavin and he fell back and Bill shoved him aside. "Gavin!! No!!" Emily screamed in tears. I then walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar and punched him and threw him down. I got on top of him and beat the shit out of him till he was unable to move. "Ryan, get of him!" Geoff called and so i did. "I see the brother has strength" Bill coughed. "Yes, i fucking do" i said. "Michael, gun" i said and Michael tossed it to me. I grabbed Bill and dragged him away. When i was out of sight i shot him in the head and he was dead. I wiped away my finger prints and placed the gun in Bill's hand making it look like a suicide. I went back round and saw Gavin hugging Emily tight. "He won't bother you anymore baby sister" i said and hugged Emily. "Thanks big brother" Emily said. "Let's get you home" i said and carried her back to the car.


I was all cleaned up, Geoff brought Cody back home and Gavin made sure the house and I were safe. I lay in bed and told Gavin everything that had happened. He was ever so worried and so was everyone else. I fell asleep in his arms and dreamt happy things.


Hey guys so this story is finished. I will post one more saying what happened to Emily Haywood and Gavin Free and other characters and then it will be finished. I will then focus on my other story Darkest Healing and i will be able to get more of that one done. Thanks so much for reading and it means alot. I enjoyed this story so much. Bye guys! xxx -Emily

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