Chapter 11. Wedding Plans

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Hey guys, here is a long one! Hope you enjoy, I loved writing this one! ;)

Chapter 11

The next morning I woke up and was cuddled up to Gavin. I don't remember going up and getting into bed, I must have fallen asleep while watching TV or some shit. I sat up and stretched. I got out of bed and Gavin rolled over and faced the wall. I picked up my bra and put it on. I then found some shorts and put them on and made my way downstairs. "Hey Em, you sleep okay?" Ryan asked. "Yeah, I slept alright. Did I fall asleep while watching a film?" I asked. "Yeah, Gav carried you up and I locked up and then we went to bed" Ryan said and buttered some toast. I sat on the sofa and went through my phone checking things like Twitter and Instagram. "What's up on Twatter? Who has been twating?" Ryan asked from the kitchen. "Haha, Liv tweeted about the wedding and so did Caleb. Fans are going mental" I said and then Ryan brought me some toast. "Top" I said and began to eat and I turned on the TV.
Once I had finished I took my plate in and went upstairs. I put my phone on the side and went over to the bed and Gavin was still fast asleep. I smiled and saw my phone light up, I went over and saw a text from Livvy.
"Hey, Geoff said that we could spend the morning shopping for the wedding!! Meet me at mine at 9AM so us two can shop! Cya in a hour or so, Liv xx😊" the text read. I smiled and saw the time was 7:47AM. Ryan came up the stairs and I told him and he agreed and went into the bathroom. I went back into my bedroom and Gavin was rolling around trying to get comfy. "No Em, 5 more minutes" he mumbled in his sleep. I held in my laughter and sat on the bed next to him. Gavin was on his back and the quilt was only covering his legs. I got on my hands and knees and stroked him from his belly up to his chest and he smiled in his sleep. I lay on his chest and closed my eyes.

"Em!" I heard and I opened my eyes and sat up. "Huh?" I asked and rubbed my eyes. "It's 8 you better have a shower" Ryan said. "Yeah, sure... I just fell asleep" I said. I got off the bed and saw Gavin still fast asleep. "Don't wake him, if he's still asleep when I'm out the shower then I will wake him and force him awake" I said and Ryan nodded and left my room. I went into the bathroom and had a shower.

I came out the bathroom and went into my bedroom. Gavin, as you may have guessed was still in bed. I plugged in my hair dryer and turned it on and it blew in his face. "Huh? Ahh!!!" Gavin said and rolled around. I laughed and turned it off. "Not cool" he said and threw a pillow at me and lay back down. "Get up you lazy knob. You have work" I said. "Yeah, so do you" he said muffled into the pillows and quilt. "No, I'm going shopping for the wedding with the bride herself. So get your fat arse up!" I said and threw the pillow at him. "That's it!" Gavin said and got up and picked me up and spun me round. "Haha, put me down you knob!" I said and she did. "Hey em... Whoa!" Ryan said and looked away as Gavin was naked. Gavin hid behind me, "Sorry Ryan. Not long got up and out of bed" He said. "I can sadly see that" Ryan said. "I'm gonna dry my hair and then get ready, Ry. So will Gavin" I said. "Good, good" Ryan said and then left. "You cover yourself and make your way to the bathroom and have a-" I was saying until Gavin's lips were on mine. I kissed back and slapped his bare ass, "Go" I said and passed him the towel and he left.

Once I was ready I went downstairs and got my shoes on. It was almost quarter to 9 so I had enough time to get to Livvy's. "I'm gonna go boys!" I called and put my phone into my pocket in my short jeans shorts. "Okay, have fun and be back after lunch" Ryan said and we hugged. Ryan kissed my head, "Be safe, need anything call me, Geoff or Gav anyone really" Ryan said. "Will do" I said and then went to the door grabbing my bag as I did. "Gavin?" I said and then someone pulled me backwards and held me down and kissed me. I kissed Gavin back and held his neck. He helped me stand back up, "See you later Vav" I said. "You will babes, I love you" Gavin said. "Love you too, bye" I said and gave him one last big kiss and then walked round to Livvy's and Caleb's to start off a fun day of shopping.

Livvy and I got to the Mall and we went into to the wedding dress shop and Livvy tried on the best dress ever. "Oh my god! Liv that's amazing!" I said and she smiled at me. "Caleb is gonna love it just as much as I do" I said. "You think I should get this one then?" Livvy asked. "Yeah, get it. Let me take a photo and send it to Ry" I said and then took out my phone. I took the photo and sent it as Livvy got undressed. Livvy came out and then we went to pay for the dress, then left.

We took the dress and my brides maids dress back to mine so Caleb never saw it and then we went back to work. We got back and it was almost 1 o'clock. "Hey, we're back!" I said as we went into the Achievement Hunter office. "Hey" Ryan said and we hugged and I sat on the arm of the chair. "Ryan showed us the picture, we never showed Caleb" Geoff said. "It's so nice, Caleb is gonna love you in it" Ray said. "Thanks guys" Livvy said and sat by Ryan and began to talk to him. I saw that Gavin got up and went over to the games shelf and put a game back. I got up and walked over to him, "Hey, love" I said and kissed him, but he never kissed back. "What's up?" I asked and put my arms round his neck. "Nothin" Gavin mumbled looking away. "There is, I know there is Gav. You're not talking and-" I began to say until Gavin interrupted me by sighing, "Just forget it" he said and walked away from me. "Err, I ain't done talking to you Mr Free!" I said. "Yeah well I am, now fuck off" Gavin said and walked out the room. "Dickhead" I said and crossed my arms. "What's his problem?" Livvy asked. "Dunno, he's been very talkative not to long ago" Michael said. "I'll go and find him I guess" I said and walked out the room. I walked around trying to find Gavin but never found him. I went outside, "Gavin!!? Gav!" I called running around. I sighed as no response, I walked round the back of the building and then saw someone in the corner. "Hello!? Gav... Is that you?" I asked and walked up to him. "Go away" Gavin mumbled. I put my hand on his back and tried to look at his face, "Talk to me, babe" I whispered. I heard Gavin sniffed, "You crying?" I asked. Gavin turned and lent against the wall looking at me, "Why are you upset?" I asked him. "What's wrong with me?" He sobbed. "Nothing, there is nothing wrong with you babe" I said and held his shoulders. "Are you pregnant? Do you want me to marry you or something?" He asked with his voice cracking. "No, I'm not pregnant" I said. "Is this about Caleb and Livvy? You think that we should get married?" I asked. Gavin shrugged his shoulders, "That's what I thought, all this just got me stressed" he sobbed and covered his eyes. I sighed, "Come here" I said and pulled him in for a hug. "Just because a marriage is going to happen doesn't mean that we have too. We will talk about it when we feel that is time we get married. Okay?" I asked and Gavin nodded onto my shoulder. "Yeah" Gavin said. "I love you" Gavin said and pulled back to look at me. "I love you too, love" I said and he smiled. "That's my thing" Gavin said. "Sorry... Love" I said smiling. Gavin grinned and attacked my lips with his.

We went back inside, "You okay boi?" Michael asked Gavin. "Yeah, fine" Gavin said. "I can't wait for the wedding, Livvy. It's gonna be top" Gavin said to Livvy. "Thanks Gav" Livvy said and he nodded and we all continued with work.

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