chapter 2 // casey

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** hey hello this is chapter two sry if last chapter was a bit deep for ur tunnels children i made my friend dana cry so that was basically an accomplishment yeah enjoy the chapter u shits (jk ily all)**

August 24, 2013 - 11:20AM

Rays of sunlight peaked through the gap of my curtains surrounding the room with it's errant daylight. It was Saturday morning, and my mom decided to take a late shift at work and won't be home till 3 in the morning. Leaving me and Louis in charge of the house the entire day.

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, re-reading one of my all time favorite novels "365 Days" by Carol Lamark. Carol is one of my favorite authors and is the first author I've ever started reading from except Dr. Suess and Shell Silverstein back in grade school. Not to mention, Carol makes the BEST cliche cheesy romance novels. 

I finished off the last chapter with it's not-so-surprising ending, that the boy and girl obviously gets together. I closed the book with a small sigh and placed it back on my shelf. I threw myself back on the sheets and stared at the dull plain ceiling. 

My solitude was disturbed when Louis obnoxiously barged into my room without knocking, again. I pulled myself up from my postion, leaving only half my body in upright formation.

"What do you want?" I looked at him.

 He pleaded. "So, my friend is coming ove--"

"Hayley?" I interrupted.

He glared at me. "No, you don't know him."

"So it's a guy? That's surprising." I said.

"Shut up you little shit. We'll be in my room playing video games, so please don't disturb us." He said.

"What's his na--"

He spoke over me. "Yeah, don't come near me when he's here okay bye." Louis slammed the door before I got to say anything. Rude. It's probably one of his football jock friends or some stereotypical nerd coming to pass him over the answers for the math summer assignment. 

I stood up from my edge of my bed and touched the cold floor with my bare feet. I sat on my computer chair and turned on my laptop. I heard the doorbell rang and foot steps coming from the top floor run down to the bottom. Oh look, Louis's "friend" is over. I would stand up and go downstairs just to look who it was, but I didn't feel like it. 

Footsteps rush from downstairs up the staircase and towards the direction of my brother's room. When I hear Louis's bedroom door slam shut, I immedietly get up and walk out of my room closing the door behind me silently. I walked downstairs and straight to the family room.

The family room consists of basically the "entertainment" of my house. It has the TV, X-box system, piano, and not to mention the charger of my laptop which I need since my laptop is running out of battery. I pant around the room trying to find it, scattering the organized magazines on the table and neatly piled books on the shelf. It was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a lightbulb dangled from the side of my head.

I remembered Louis took it last night since he needed it for his own personal use. I went upstairs and walked to the direction of my brother's room. I opened the door of his room, and opened my mouth just right when I was going to say something and slowly closed it when I caught my eye on something, or someone.

 There he was, right in front of me. He was round and narrow faced, with slit-like eyes that were clouded with sparkling kaleidoscopes of green looking straigh at me. His hair was styled in tight ringlets around his face. I can imagine him walking outside on a cold windy day, as the breeze blew through his curls, straightening them into waves that whipped about behind him. 

I felt myself staring, instantly snapping out of it realizing that I was awkwardly standing there staring at the boy with curly hair and green eyes for about 5 straight minutes.

I scratch the back of my head nervously. I blurted,

"H-Hey, Uh.. I'm Cas-- No um, who are-- you're gorgeous... fuck"

 -end of chapter 2-

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