chapter 8 // casey

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*makin this chapter out of the kindess of my heart yes here's chapter 8*

I walked through the crowded halls of the freshman building. Almost everyone was rushing just to get to there class on time, unlike me, walking slowly, looking at each clasroom number with such ease pace.

 I look back down at my schedule. Room 126.

I look back up and see a tall classroom door in-front of me. I squint at the room number on top. Chemisty Lab I - 126.

Yup, this is the room. I shyly walked into the classroom, and see almost all of the labs taken. Each lab consists of beakers, test tubes, chemicals with different kinds of colors, and a sink. This is my first chemistry class, and I'm probably going to end up in the safety shower by the end of this week. 

I wanted to sit in the back, but all seats were taken. There was one seat in the front, I clearly had no choice but to sit there. I sat in the lab that was right in front of the teacher's desk, an easy target for the teacher to call on me when I'm not raising my hand. I sat next to a tall, inbetweenly buff and skinny but not scrawny. He had short brown hair, styled in a small quiff.

He was too busy reading a book, and didn't pay attention to my direction. I unzipped my book bag, and took out a clean cut-edged empty notebook and placed it on the table with a purple led pencil sitting right on top of it. He glanced at me from his shoulder. He looked at me for a while, and then smiled.

"Hey! Sorry I didn't notice you." he said politely.

"Don't mention it." I said.

"I'm Liam," he closed his book and placed it on the table, "Liam Payne."

I smiled. "I'm Casey Tomlinson."

Then, he gave me a look. "Tomlinson? You're Louis's sister?"

Wow, my brother must be popular. "Yeah, you know him?" I asked.

"Nah, everyone just seems to know him as that quarterback." He paused, "Do you play football?"

I laughed. "The only football I played was when I accidently kicked him in the balls when I was 10."

He laughed, and just smiled at me. Of course, I smiled back. Look at that, I made my first official friend. I didn't expect it to be a guy. The teacher walked in, her high heels clicked as she walked down the tiled floor of the classroom. She has long dark red hair, tied into a pony tail. She wore a long lab coat, that ended at the height of her knees. She scribbled her name on the whiteboard. Mrs. Forelli

She turned to face the class, and began telling everyone what we would be learning and how much homework we're going to get every day and how we shouldn't be complaining. Just like every other teacher does. She looks decent, but she's really strict. A pity, she was really pretty.

Class ended, the bell rang, everyone began to pack up to get to the next class. This went on for 3 more periods, until lunch and then 2 more free periods. 

I walked out of the freshman building, and searched for the cafeteria. I stood in one place, as everyone passes by me talking and laughing. Then, I heard someone scream my name behind me, I turned around to see who it was. 

It was Liam.

His footsteps pounded on the pavement, as he got closer to me. He finally stopped, and began gasping for air. Damn how much did he run? 

"H-Hey Casey, want to go lunch together?" He asked.

I smiled, "Yeah sure."

"I just don't know where it is though, hoping you would know." He said.

I giggle ironically, "Heh yeah, if only I knew." 

He looked at me. "You don't know either?" I shook my head.

He laughed. "Well, this is a problem." 

Then I hear another person scream my name. I turned around to see Naomi, running towards me waving. Her hair looked just like the sun, in a perfect shade of blonde. The wind ruffled through the strands of her hair, as she ran towards me. 

"Casey, Long time no see!" She said as she reels me in for a hug. 

I hugged her back and smiled. "Hey, Naomi." 

I glance at Liam, and grabbed his arm pushing him towards her. "Naomi, this is Liam. Liam, this is Naomi." Liam smiles at her, and extends his arm. They both shake hands, and she looks at me.

"Where you guys going?" she asked.

"Cafeteria." I answered.

"Sadly, we don't know where it is." Liam added.

Naomi laughs, and points to the building on our far right. "It's over there, wan't me to come with you?" 

I nod. "Sure."

We both follow her to the fifth building. It was a 2 minute walk, shows how big the school campus really is. She asked us about our classes, and we asked about hers. Liam was awfully good at making Naomi laugh, even though she's really easy to crack. We reach the fifth building, and open the double doors which leads to the lunchroom.

end of chapter 8

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