chapter 4 // casey

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**chapter 4 here ya goooooooo**

I slowly open my eyes, seeing the white dull ceiling above me. I pulled myself upright and pulled my arms together stretching them from my spinal cord to the tips of my fingers. I leaned over to the digital clock on my bedstand. 4:42PM. It was late afternoon, and I missed lunch. But there was nothing to eat anyways, and my mom usually does the groceries every Saturday morning. I pull myself out of my bed, and look out the window. Colors of red, orange, yellow scatter the sky, yet fading even more the minutes go by. 

I sit on my computer chair, and grab my phone that's burried around my school work. 4 Messages unread, 18 Notifications. 

I scrolled through my unread messages. One was from Rachel, one of my closest friends from middle school. She's a Junior also, just like Harry. I just noticed I don't have as much friends that are in the same grade as I am. Rachel and I talk occasionally during the summer, but I miss her so damn much. 

Rachel: cass you there? 

I replied.

Me: yeah, what's up?

She replied within seconds.

Rachel: OMG just in time. do you wanna go out tonight?

Before I could reply, Louis barges in my room again. This time, without the presence of Harry. "Harry and I and a bunch of other people are going to the movies, come with?" He asked me.

"Rachel's already asking me if I have plans." I replied.

He gives me a face. "Oh, Rachel. Yeah, she's coming with us since she's like buddy buddy with Hayley." 

"Then yeah, I'm coming." 

Louis nods and closes the door. I look back on my phone, and I realized I had put her on "Read" for the past 5 minutes. I replied back.

Me: sure, my brother and his friends are coming with you right?

Rachel: yeah i was just about to tell you that ha, meet us at ema theathers :)

Me: alright, see you thennn x

She doesn't reply, but she read it. I grabbed my towel, and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick hot shower and ran as fast as I can down the hallway to my room so that Louis or any of his visitors won't spot me half naked with a towel running around. I close the door behind me quietly, and I begin to dress up.

I wore a black tank top with a red plaid sweater, shorts, and a pair of black converse. There was a thought in the back of my head, where I wanted to tie my hair up because it was summer. But, I didn't want to because I don't really like putting on a pony tail with such thick curly hair like mine. I sighed, grabbed my phone and my bag, and walked downstairs. 

There stood, Louis looking at his watch impatiently and Harry as he watches me walk down the staircase going towards them. Harry taps him lightly, and Louis looks up to see me. 

He gives me a face. "Took you long enough." He snapped.

I glare at him, "Why? Can't wait for Hayley any longer?" I retort.

Harry chuckles and holds in his laugh. Louis gives me an icy grin and says "Shut up. It's already been an hour, let's go already." as he leaves the house. Harry and I exchange glances and follow him outside to his car.

Louis took the driver's seat, Harry chose shotgun, and I sat in the back. We drove to the EMA theaters, which was only like a 20 minute drive.  It took forever to find a parking and we had to take circles and drive to the same street back and forth, and it's kind of driving Louis insane. When we finally find a parking spot, which was all the way in the back of the parking lot, we began to walk.

It was a cold and windy night, the moon hung high in the sky, a perfect silver disk, bleaching the land into a ghost-replica of daytime. I loved summer nights like these, where it wasn't hot and humid, it was just breezy. I walked behind Louis and Harry as they talked, mumbled and blabber about whatever teenage boys talk about.

When we reached to the cinema, and went inside. It was huge, and crowded. I spotted Rachel, Hayley and two other girls at the corner near the movie posters. I never saw those two girls before, but I bet neither one of them are freshmans, probably either junior or seniors. Or even worse, in college. But they were really really pretty, which dropped my self esteem scale like 40 points.

Rachel saw us from the distance, and gave a huge smile and waved at us. Hayley and the two other girls waved also. I waved back, smiling. She ran up to me, and gave me a huge hug. Tight, of course. Rachel always gives tight hugs, her way of showing that she misses you or something. I hugged back, even tighter.

We let go, and we see Harry and Louis just looking at us. 

"I don't get a hug? I see how it is." Harry remarked.

"Fine, but the next time, you're going to have to pay me 5 dollars." Rachel implied as she reaches in for a hug. 

Harry smiles, gives her a face, and hugs her back.

I look behind us, and see the rest join in.

-end of chapter 4-

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