chapter 12 // casey

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doing this update for food

September 12, 2013 - Thursday 

I was sitting down on my stool next to Liam, as I watched Mrs. Forelli write scientific equations on the whiteboard asking us to solve each one of them. They were hard, and I didn't understand a thing. I completely blanked out ever since the beginning of class. I have Chemistry & Bio with Mrs Forelli twice every week, which is on Wednesday's and Thursday's. 

It was fourth period, the period before lunch. I looked up at the clock, and there were 5 minutes left until the bell rang. I sighed silently, and looked at Liam sitting right next to me. The golden sun beamed at his figure through the glass windows, as he focally stared at the whiteboard and back down on his notebook writing down each equation.

I could tell he's a good student. We have 3 classes together, and he doesn't look anywhere else but the teacher, the board, and his notebook. Unlike, I, the idiot I am, who just looks at the window or anything else other than the board. 

Before I look up again at the clock, the bell rings. Mrs Forelli stops writing, turns around, and watches everyone pack up and exit the classroom. She walks to the back of the classroom, and disappears into the back door. 

I zip my books inside my bag, and walk out of the classroom into the crowded halls. 

I slightly look to the left of my shoulder, to see Liam slouching against the wall with one foot on the ground, and the other leaning on the wall. He was looking straight at me, and began to walk towards me.

"Hey Casey." he smiled.

"Oh hey." I smiled back.

"So I was wondering if you could sit with me and my friend at lunch today?" He asked.

"You could always just sit with me and the others." I replied.

"Yeah, but you always hang out with your junior/senior friends, would it hurt to hang out with your freshman friend for once?" He said. 

I let out a laugh, "Yeah, of course." I smiled. He smiled  back and we walked into the packed cafeteria building. The lines were long, but we managed to get our food in time. We walked outside to the outdoor seating, carefully carrying our lunch trays. I followed Liam into a round red table, who there sat a girl with long dark brown hair and wore black round metal ray-ban glasses. 

She looked at us, and smiled. Liam sat down next to her, while I sat down across from the both of them. She looked at me, and then back at Liam.

"Woah, you're pretty." She exclaims.

I let out a small smile, and looked at her. Would that be the first thing you would say to a person you just met?

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She laughs, "Hi, I'm Saige!" 

"No no, it's okay." I spoke, "I'm Casey."

"She's a weirdo, I'm sorry." Liam added.

Saige makes an exasperated face, and glares at him. She teasingly punches him in the stomach, and Liam crouches down enduring the pain.

"Owwwwww! Fu----ck" He yelped. 

"By the way, what did you get on the algebra practice test?" She changed the subject quickly.

"94, you?" He answered. 

She smiled devilishly, "95."

"Don't even talk to me." Liam turned away, and took a bite out of his salad.

"I would if I could." She teases.

I silently giggled, watching them. They continued to tease and playfully hit each other. 

"You guys look so cute together." I blurted.

They stopped talking, and just stared at me for 2 minutes. Oh shit, they aren't dating are they. Suddenly, Saige bursts out laughing, and tears began to form in her eyes. Liam glares at her, and lets out a deep sigh.

"Casey, you're hilarious." Saige laughed.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry," I apologized, "I just assumed, since you guys are so close."

"Nah, it's fine." Liam looks at me, "We're cousins." Cousins? No wonder they were so close.

"Besides, Liam likes somebody else." Saige blurted.

Liam taps her on the leg, and gives her a sign to hush. 

"Who do you like?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Someone you know." 


Saige takes a bite out of her cheeseburger. "He likes that pretty blonde girl... U-Um what's her name... Natalie?" She said with her mouth full of cheese and meat. Then, I automatically thought of Naomi.

"Don't you mean Naomi?" I asked.

"OoOoh yeah!" Saige gulped every single peice down.

"Thanks alot, Saige." Liam says sarcastically. Saige smiles, gives him a thumbs up, and goes back to eating her cheeseburger,

"You like Naomi? Why?" I ask.

"I only like her a little, but I don't know." He looked at me, "She's cute?"

"But she has a boyfriend." I thought of Niall. The way I saw them kiss for the first time, the way I found out about there relationship and how it started. They're probably making out somewhere inside the cafeteria as we speak. Shivers went down through my spine, and I slightly cringe.

"So? That hasn't stopped me." 

"Stopped you?"

"Yeah, like just because she has a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't have a crush on her."

"So, let's say, she starts making out with you, while she's dating him? You'd still kiss her?"

"No. Of course, if I like someone, I'd obviously want to kiss them." He paused, "But I'd only kiss her if I know it's right."

I stopped for a moment, and just looked at him. He was right, I agreed with every word he said, and thought about it for a couple of minutes. The way Liam is so good-willed and intellectual makes me smile even more that I met him in the first place. If I were him in the situation, I'd keep making out with her, but he wouldn't. 

"Wow Liam, that was so deep." Saige blurted.

In my opinion, even if Liam likes Naomi, he deserves someone else.

end of chapter 12

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