chapter 11 // casey

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starting this chapter hungry af anyways enjoy

September 7, 2013 - Friday 


It was last period, and I had History with Mr. Harrison. He's the teacher who just silently talks all period, and doesn't let any of our class participate or even raise there hand, because he doesn't want to be "disturbed." He was even too busy talking, that he didn't even notice I was looking at the window the entire time.

Today was Friday, and I was eager to go home. Yet, I don't know why, since I had nothing to do anyway. I no longer go home with Louis anymore, my mom said I'm dependent enough to go home by myself. My house is far, I had to admit, but I could always take public transportation. I don't mind walking either. 

The dismissal bell rang, and everyone began to pack up and file out of the classroom. I struggled putting every of my books in my bag, being the only one in the classroom except the teacher. I finally zipped my book bag, shuffled my way through the desks, and walked out of the classroom before a voice behind stopped me.

"Casey, May I speak with you please?" I hear Mr. Harrison call out.

I sighed, and walked backwards towards his desk. I turned around and faced him, he took off his glasses and placed them in his case. He looked up at me.

"How was the view?" He asked.

I gave him a puzzled look. "What?"

"You know, the view outside? Since you were too busy paying attention to that, rather than what's being taught in class." He barked.

It's more interesting than what you teach in class anyway. "Sorry." I mumbled.

He looked away, and back to his paperwork. "Don't let me catch you doing that again, now leave." He haggled. I left the room without hesitant. I walked the empty hallways of the building, and out into the school yard. 

I decided to walk home. While walking, I spotted Rachel, Emma, and Naomi at a distance walking ahead of me, 2 blocks away. I catch up with them, and accompanied them while going home. The walk was long, so we all just talked except Emma who stayed silent and didn't look up from her phone once, continuously texting someone.

"Who you texting there, huh?" Rachel asked, smirking.

"My Mom." Emma answered, not looking up from her phone.

"Never knew you text your mom for more than 10 minutes straight." She teased. She leaned in, glancing at the text messages.

"Oh my god, you're texting Zayn again." Rachel blurted. Who's Zayn again?

"Who's he?" I asked.

"Her secret crush." Rachel teased. Emma finally looked up from her phone, and punched Rachel on the arm. She muttered the words, "Shut up." I wonder if he's one of the guys who came up to Louis, when we got out of the car on the first day of school.

"Does he like you back?" I asked. 

"Doubt it." Emma mumbled.

Suddenly, Naomi broke her silence. "I don't think Zayn likes anyone in particular." She blurted. Rachel and I looked at her, she looked oddly defensive. 

"How do you know?" Rachel asked.

She takes a minute to respond. "I don't know," She hesitates, "I just don't think he's the type of guy to commit to a full on crush."

"So, you're saying he has commitment issues?" I implied.

Naomi shakes her head. "No, no, no. It's just tha--"

"Naomi, shut up. You clearly don't know anything." Emma interrupts, "He probably likes some girl on the cheer squad or he either doesn't like anybody at all, stop saying that he can't even commit to a simple crush." 

Naomi stops talking, they both stop talking. The tension between Naomi and Emma, is accumulating rapidly. They both don't look each other, they don't say a word. Rachel and I examine both of them, and exchange glances. Rachel changes the subject, and I go along with it, hoping that Naomi and Emma would too.

15 minutes later, we all went our seperate ways, and I finally saw the sight of my house. I reached the front porch steps of my house. I open the front door, and let it close behind me. I take off my shoes and threw my book bag on the couch. I walked into the kitchen, and paused at the sight of what I see right now.

There stood a girl, sitting on the kitchen counter, her legs wrapped around Louis body. He was standing, holding her waist, as both of there lips press against each other. There lips touched in sync, too busy not even noticing that I walked into the room. I was used to it actually, the amount of times I walked in on Louis making out with a girl he brought home. This isn't the first time, yet the sight was perplexing.

I knocked on the wall, for them to know I'm here. They finally stop, and they look up at me. Louis lets go, and the girl jumps off the counter trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Can we do this again sometime?" the girl asks, looking at him.

Like hell, I would let you.

He scratches the back of his head, "Sure." he pleaded.

She smiled, and walked out of the kitchen. I followed her out the front door, and slammed it. I turned around, and saw Louis glaring at me. "What?" I asked him.

"What? What do you mean, What? You just ruined the whole thing." He said.

"What thing? you guys aren't even a thing, you don't even like her." I said.

"That's none of your business." He scolded.

"I don't understand you." I said as I sat down on the couch and grabbed the magazine sitting at the edge of the table.

He doesn't look at me, but walks upstairs. "That makes the two of us."

end of chapter 11

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