chapter 15 // casey

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here's your fucking chapter bitch kaldy omg 

Rachel, Emma and I sat down in the middle row of the empty bleachers and watched the game practice go by. I spotted Niall, Louis and Zayn in a far distance, and they were pretty good. Louis took it very seriously though. Niall was a wide receiver, Zayn was one of the line backers, and Louis, obviously, was the quarterback. Watching them was very intriguing. 

Rachel and Emma we're watching too, but they were having these small little conversations that I'm obviously not part off. So I just sat beside them, a book on my lap, that I wasn't fully stirring my attention to. I would read a couple of sentences, and look back up at the field to see what was going on.

Niall stopped and stretched for a while, and looked at our direction. He spotted us, smiled, and waved. We all waved back, and he went back off to his practice.

Then, I saw a tall shadow figure, inching towards us, on the row that was below us. I looked up, and saw Hayley make her way through the bleachers, and land a seat right in front of me. She turned around, and smiled.

"Yo' Long time, no see, Cassidy." Hayley inched in for a hug.

"Hah, that kinda rhymed." I hear Rachel say right next to me.

Hayley gave Emma and Rachel each a small hug, and lurched herself back onto her seat.

"So, what brings you here?" She asked, looking at me.

"We're just watching the practice." I replied.

She glanced at the book placed on my lap, that I barely touched. 

"You wouldn't even touch your book," She teased, "You must really like football."

I shrugged, and by that, she turned around and focused on the field. I looked back at the field, to see the coach walk in and blow a long whistle. The players froze and began to surrounded the coach, screamed some chant, and walked off. 

I watched Niall slowly walk to the bottom of the bleachers, where all his stuff were, and sat down. He chugged down like 2 quarters of his water bottle and stood there just checking his phone.

There was a thought in my head, that I should get up and go talk to him. So I did. I stood up, and before I could make my way across the bleachers and down where he sat, I saw Naomi walking towards him. I froze, and just watched what happened.

I could hear Naomi call his name, and Niall looks at her direction, his eyes lit up as the corners of his mouth tuned, as he saw her. He stood up, and Naomi began to run to him. They first gave each other a long, substantial hug. They let go, and they start talking.

I could imagine there conversation going like:

"Oh my god, you're all sweaty." Naomi peered as she ran her fingers through his wet ruffled hair.

He smiled, and just laughed. "I wonder why."

"How was practice?" She asked.

"It was good," He stared at her crystal blue eyes, "It would have been better, if you watched."

"I did watch, you just didn't see me."

"But I wanted to see you."

That's how I imagine there conversation is going right now. I watch them talk for a good 2 and half minutes. They inch closer to each other, Niall holds both of her hands, with there fingers intertwined, hands enfolded, all clutched together. I felt an immense heartbeat take place in my body, and it just kept beating. He looks down at her, and presses his lips onto hers. Time stood still as there lips moved together sweetly making me realize that not only was I disturbed, but I was grieved and distressed. 

They didn't stop, but kept going. I turned away, shoved my book inside my book bag, and made my way across the bleachers and walked down the steps. This time, not to go see Niall, but to get the hell out of here. I disappeared in between the bleachers, and paced myself to the exit.

Why did I leave?

Why was I so toppled seeing them kiss?

It's not like it was my first time seeing them making out, but the more I watch them, the more I just got upset.

Questions and answers scattered my mind from left and right, and my heart was thumping like horse roofs on a dirty road, it was continuous. I wanted to leave, I wanted to go home, and just isolate myself for a good 3 hours, just reading a book or going on my blog, but I had one period left, and I couldn't be more anxious for the last period to end, and for me to go home. 

I reached the school yard. I was walking fast, and didn't know where I was going. I didn't pay attention to the people I came across, whether I knew them or not. I passed my Saige, not looking at her not saying a word. She grabbed my by the shoulder. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head continuously. "Nothing, I don't want to talk about it."

She didn't refuse, she didn't stop me, she just nodded and let me go. Saige was very understanding, she knows if someone was upset, she shouldn't hoard them with questions and expect answers later on, it would be better just to leave them alone for now.

I sat down on an empty bench, and sighed. I grabbed the book that I shoved inside my book bag, and read where I left off, isolating myself, from everyone that I came across.

end of chapter 15

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