chapter 19 // casey

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doing 3 updates today for the one and only thirsty bitch kaldy

October 25, 2013 - Friday 

It was last period, and Emma, Naomi and I sat down on the top 3rd row of the bleachers. We were in the 4th building, where the indoor swimming pool was. Rachel was trying out for the Girl's Varsity Swimming Team, so we decided to watch her during her tryouts. Rachel told me that she needed to be in  a sports team, so she could put it in her college application.

We spotted Rachel from a distance, wearing her one-piece swimsuit, her swim cap tightly positioned on her head not letting one strand of hair out of place, and her aqua-blue goggles placed firmly above her eyes. She was on a white starting block, her arms extended in front of her, her right leg back and her other leg forward. Her toes we're pointing straight, her knees we're forward, and her hips we're over her heels. She was looking down, slightly back. Everyone was doing the same thing, and I watched the coach click his timer as they all raced off. 

She glided through the air and roughly into the water, her hands and feet in perfect synchronization. She would inhale for air every 5 seconds as she dips her head back into the water. When she's near the end of the pool, she dives in and does a flip pushing herself back to the direction from where she started. She would do this again, and again, and again till the first 5 finishes 20 laps before the time runs out.

Everyone was quick, and so was Rachel. She's actually pretty good.

I turn my head to see Naomi squealing softly as she prances around on her seat.

"Caseeeey," she grabs a hold of my hand and plays with my fingers, "Are you going to the Carnival next week?"

I nodded. Might as well anyway, everyone's going apparently.

"Who are you guys going with?" She smirked.

"Nobody," I shook my head, "Goin' solo.."

Emma laughed as she held out her fist. We fist bumped, and Naomi gave us a face. Emma and I are going on the solo train, who needs dates? Naomi rolled her eyes, sat cross-legged as she changed the subject.

"I heard you're going somewhere with Niall tonight." She remarked. I looked at her, she seemed concerned having a tight look on her face. 

"Yeah, we're going to help out in the Carnival." I said.

"That's it?"


"Mind if I tag along?"

"Uhh," I hesitated, "He said you we're busy for the week, that's why he didn't ask for your help.."

Her face illuminated, she looked at me like something just occurred in her mind. She pushed her hair back, placed her elbow on her lap, and leaned on her hand invisibly frowning.

"Whatever." She looked at the pool, and I followed to where she was looking. We spotted Rachel come out of the pool, ranking as the 3rd person to finish 20 laps in 6:21:03 approximately. Rachel pulled herself out of the pool, she looked exhausted. She grabbed her towel and water bottle by the bench, and shifted herself inside the girl's locker room.

"Look at that," Naomi said, "Rachel is finished.. let's go." She immediately stood up, and made way for herself through the bleachers and out the exit doors. Emma and I exchanged glances, and just shook our shoulders.

Naomi was acting strange, almost like mad.

-- 3:16PM --

I stood at the spot where I was exactly two days ago when I saw Niall at football practice. I looked around and the wind blew portions of my hair in distinctive directions. I stood waiting for 5 minutes more, until I saw a tall figure walking towards me.

It was Niall, I could tell his blonde hair from a mile away. He spotted me, and waved. I waved back, and he began to jog towards me. He dressed loose today, as in wrinkled jeans and a simple white t-shirt. He still looked cute, although there was no effort put into what he was wearing today. 

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back, "So shall we go?"

"The boardwalk is really far from here," He scratched the back of his head, and bit his inner gums. "Do you mind if I drive us there?" 

I shook my head, "No no, I don't mind at all."

He smiled, and we walked together to the parking lot. Niall showed me his car which was an old blue Chevy truck. He opened the door for me, and I slipped inside the car mumbling a quiet thank you. He's such a gentlemen oh my gosh.

He got inside, buckled his seat belt, and started the engine. We drove out of the school's parking lot and we disappeared into the streets. The car ride was silent, and the only noises I would hear would be the people outside or ignorant cars honking every 5 seconds. It was a 15 minute drive to the boardwalk, and Niall took like 10 minutes just to find a parking spot. Before, I found a vacant spot for him, but like the idiot he is, he missed it and some other car behind us took it. 

We got out of the car, and I left my book bag inside. We walked down the boardwalk, and went down the steps where it led to a huge carnival/amusement park space. There was the Ferris wheel, rides, arcade games, food stands, and etc. Of course, they weren't ready yet, that's what we're here for.

"Wait till you meet Miss Nancy." Niall said as he led me through small populous crowds of people. 

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me through and the next thing I knew, there was a lady about my height who stood right in front of me. She had light brown hair, too light to be considered brown. She wears a short bob, and holds a clipboard and a pen that she placed behind her ear.

end of chapter 19

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