chapter 23 // casey

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wooooooo this is chapter 23 mate

October 30, 2013 - Wednesday 5:34PM

Few days past, and Niall and I were helping out with the Halloween Carnival almost everyday. Today is last day of volunteering, and everything is almost ready. The Ferris Wheel is now functioning, the sounding/lighting and stage equipment are brand new and ready to go, however, the roller coaster near the boardwalk still needs some adjustments. Hopefully they don't get to fix it by tomorrow, because I absolutely hate rollercoasters.

Miss Nancy prepared a whole table full of baked treats she made for the volunteers who helped out. There were cranberry cakes, blueberry honey muffins, and also sweet potato tarts. They were scrumptious and I had to come back every 3 minutes just to get seconds, and that was about 7 times. I gathered around the table to see more options of the aliment, and there stood Niall standing right next to me holding a paper plate deciding what to pick out. I tapped him, and he looked at me.

"You should try the blueberry muffins," I suggested, "They're so good."

Niall nodded, and picked up the nearest blueberry muffin sitting on the silver plate. He took a bite, and munched on it slowly. He nodded again, giving me a look of approval.

I watched him as he gradually finishes devouring the muffin. He swallowed the rest with one big gulp, and slants at me again. 

"So, are you going to the Carnival?" He asked, staring at the plates of food on the table.

I nodded, "Yeah, you?"

He nodded also. "Who are you going with?"

"Probably Rachel and Em."

He looked at me, and just chuckled. "No no, I mean, do you have a date?"

I shook my head, "Nah."

He gave a small pout, and just kept looking at me. "That sucks man."

I shook my head again, "Not really, I don't mind actually."


I shrugged, He asked another question.

"Don't you like someone?"

A lump went violently down my throat, as I stood there. I bit the bottom of my lip, and glanced at Niall, who was waiting for me to give him an answer. Do I really like someone? 

"Not really."

He gave a small smirk, and walked away to the other side of the food table. I felt back at ease, until I felt someone elbow me. I turn my head, to see Saige giving me a slight grin. She elbowed my stomach constantly, while she kept her sight locked at Niall.

"So, Case," She kept elbowing me, "You like him or not?"

I raised my left eyebrow, "Were you listening to our conversation?"

She smiled peevishly, "Maybe."

I smacked her arm, "You nosy bitch."

She laughed, "So do you like him?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

"Don't give me 'nope', I know you do." Then, it was her turn to raise her left eyebrow. "I could tell."

"But, I don't."

"I swear, one day, you'll be running to me saying," She said, "You were right Saige! I do like him!" She imitated the face I always make when I'm excited or happy about something.

I smacked her again, and she laughed even harder.

Actually, I don't know if I do like him or not. Like yeah, he's cute? yeah, he's really nice and I love his personality, but he has a girlfriend. It would be too much trouble if I did start to like him, because he wouldn't like me back, knowing that his eyes would be locked on only one person, and that would be Naomi.

My stomach flipped, as my face blushes bright red just thinking about it. Saige noticed, and feels my face. I could feel the cold temperate of her palms come in contact with the scorching heat that are my cheeks. I slowly felt the fuzz of my flaring cheeks,and began pinching it to go away. It wouldn't go away.

"You're getting hot," She takes her hand away from my face, "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"

I shook my head, but not just once, constantly. I looked at the ground, and didn't look back up. My face was in complete red, and it was getting smouldered every time I would exhale. Behind me, I heard Saige call Miss Nancy. "Mom!"

I heard footsteps rush over, as I look back up, to see Niall and Miss Nancy standing before me looking concerned and worried.

Miss Nancy planted her fingers on my face, and began to feel my cheeks. She was cautious as she felt the warmth of my cheekbones getting even warmer and warmer. She finally discarded her fingers away from my face.

"Oh dear, Casey." She looked worried, "It looks like you're flushing."


"Flushing is a sudden reddening in your face, neck or upper chest." She explained, "Tell your mom to take you to the doctor as soon as possible."

"Wait, why?" Niall grew cautious, "What's wrong about flushing?"

"Flushing can be caused by extreme emotion, which looks like your case." She went on, "It can cause severe medical conditions."

Severe medical conditions?

She wrote on her clipboard, and glanced at Niall. "Can you take her home please?"

He nodded, "I was about too anyway."

So we did. I hugged Saige goodbye, and I gave Miss Nancy my mom's contact information, and a greeted her a goodbye. We left the boardwalk, and Niall drove me home. The car ride was silent, I'm guessing he didn't want to disturb me while my skin tone was temporarily bright red. We arrived at my house, and Niall dropped me off. 

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Will you be at school tomorrow?"

I nodded.

"Will you be able to make it at the carnival tomorrow?"

I nodded. 

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Text me when you're alright."

I laughed, and nodded again. "I'm fine..thank you."

He smiled, and just nodded. He drove out of my driveway, and disappeared into the streets. I arrived home before sunlight dimmed, and there stood my mom panting in the living room. Once I walked in, she ran over to me and gave me a great hug and asked if I was alright. She took me upstairs to my room, and planted me inside my bed. She tucked the blanket over me and turned on the air conditioning. She placed a cold towel on my forehead, and left the room silently with the door closed. Before I knew it, I slipped into oblivion, and fell into deep sleep.

end of chapter 23

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