chapter 5 // casey

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**yes hi hello heres chapter 5**

 Louis and Harry turn around to see the rest of the group join in. Louis's face lights up like a kid on christmas eve when he sees Hayley walking towards him. They approach each other, as there arms tightly wrap around each other. While they were hugging, they move in a circular rotation like two penguins handcuffed to each other, trying to escape. 

Let me just tell you something about Hayley and my brother. Hayley is tall, just like him but not as tall as him though, that would be weird. She has long, wavy brown hair with glowing green eyes. No, they're not dating if that's what you're assuming. They were best friends since 6th grade, and they still are. She was the only girl that my brother brought home and didn't try to make out with. I find it stupid though, because I think Louis really likes her.

They finally let go.

Hayley and the two other girls looks at the rest of us, smiles, and gives each of us a small, light hug. 

"Casey," Rachel looks at me. "Introduce yourself." 

I look at the two girls. "H-Hi, I'm Casey." I said shyly.

One girl stands, with long, straight jet-black hair wearing a navy blue sweater and black high-waisted jeans. She looks at me, and smiles. "I'm Emma." I nod and smile back.

The girl that stands next to her, has long and wavy blonde hair wearing pale red lipstick. She wore a  short-sleeve button-down tunics short jean dress, with black vans. She also wore numorous amount of bracelets, also considering one that looked hand-made with a name carved on it, but it was too small to read. She says, "Hi, I'm Naomi." and extends the palm of her hand for me to shake it. They were both really pretty.

Naomi looks at me, curiously. "Are you a senior?" she asks.

"No, she's in college." Louis teases.

I could hear Louis silently laughing behind me. I hit his arm playfully.

"Actually, I'm a freshman." I said reassuringly.

Naomi's face flushes with embarrasment, and mouths the word "oh." She's so cute.

To avoid moments of silence, I ask them what grade are they both in. They were both juniors, no surprise there. When I'm in a social gathering, it's either I'm the youngest or I'm the oldest, there's no in-between.

"What movie are we gonna watch?" Harry asks.

Hayley examines the movie poster behind me. It's an action-comedy movie that just came out a week ago, named "Duke of Danger." Hayley suggests the "Duke of Danger" but Emma suggests "Terminal Execution." Apparently, 75% of the movies that are showing are action movies, which aren't really my thing. 

After a long 5 minutes of suggesting random movies we see off the movie posters, we decided to watch "Duke of Danger" instead. It was a 2 hour long movie, and it consisted of only gun shooting and car chases in almost every scene. I sat in-between Rachel and Emma, Emma was pretty quiet through the whole thing (of course) but she would always take the arm rest and it was kind of bothering me. Compared to Emma, Rachel's the absolute worst. Rachel literally hogged the whole bucket of popcorn that was supposed to be shared by the 7 of us, including me. 

Credits rolled down the giant projector screen. Lights slowly flicked on, and everyone began to empty the room. 

After the movie, 4/7 of us went to the bathroom, which were Louis, Harry, Rachel and Emma. Hayley, Naomi and I sat on the carpet floor of the cinema waiting right outside the men and women restrooms watching the crowd of people walk out since there movies are finished. 

Hayley leans on my shoulder, and lets out a sigh. She seemed tired, but I don't blame her, because I'm exhausted myself also.

"Good movie, right?" Hayley said.

I honestly didn't know what was going on half the time, but I nodded anyway.

She changes the subject. "So, how's Louis?" she asks.

"Terrible." I muttered.

She lets out a laugh, and lets go of my shoulder and leans her head against the wall.

"You always talk about Louis, like that's all you talk about." Naomi adds.

Hayley rolls her eyes, "Like you don't talk about your boyfriend 24/7." she remarks. I'm not really surpised Naomi is in a relationship, because if I was a guy, I'd date her also.

"Hayley, do you have a crush on my brother?" I ask. I look at her, she doesn't respond, just smirks.

Hayley opens her mouth to say something, but gets caught off, when the rest comes back from the restrooms. We all leave the cinema, and went off our seperate ways. Rachel, Emma, and Naomi took the bus home, Louis decided to walk Hayley home since her house was just 12 blocks away from the cinema, and Harry drove me home. 

The car ride was silent, the only noises that occured was the radio playing and sometimes Harry's phone would be ringing and I'd have to accept the call for him since he's driving. 

20 minutes later, we reach the drive way of my house. Harry is supposed to go back and pick Louis up so he can drive him home, so he stayed in the car and watched me get out. I walked to his side of the car, and he rolled up his window. He looks at me, as I see a glimpse of the moon reflecting off his shimmering green eyes. 

"I'd like to get your number." He says. 

I don't know why, but my heart began to beat faster than usual.

"Uh, sure." I responded, giving him the digits of my phone number.

He smiles, and looks at me. "See you at school, Casey." He says as he rolls up his window and began to drive out of the driveway. I watch him as he disappeared to the corner of the next street.

Then, somehow, I couldn't wait to go to school.

**end of chapter 5**

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