One Step Closer {Damon Salvatore} Chapter Eight: Mentions of the Past

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Chapter Eight

Dance With the Devil by Breaking Benjamin

Here I stand, helpless and left for dead

Close your eyes

So many days go by

Easy to find what's wrong

Harder to find what's right


"Klaus." Kiara repeated, eyes wide. Jordyn nodded, suddenly looking very tired despite having just woken up.

"Yeah." She shook her head. "I never even knew what I was until he showed up. I literally knew nothing at all. Hell, I thought I really was crazy because let's face it, what perfectly sane person can see stuff that others can't?"

Jordyn took a deep breath, gulping down the bitter tears that wanted to come out. "It's funny. When I was younger I used to dream that I was the lost daughter of some king or queen, something…unusual." Jordyn closed her eyes. "Only now do I realize I actually had a decent life up until then. The earliest memory I have that I remember is going to live with my Aunt Lora, me and my sister. And that was when I was five. I barely remember who my parents were, they apparently died before then but…all I remember is the faded shadow of their faces, the barest outline."

"Sometimes…it's better not knowing who your parents are." Kiara remarked quietly, thinking of her father.

Jordyn sighed. "Yeah…but anyway, when Klaus appeared I suddenly felt…I don't know…like we had met before…and I felt like I belonged." She stopped talking and shook her head, not able to speak any more despite the fact that Kiara deserved to know more. She didn't want her friend to realize the true depth of the darkness that lurked within herself, that Jordyn was still the cold blooded killer she had been merely months before.

It was hard, knowing what she had done…that's why at times she wished she had continued going on without the use of her emotions…like how Klaus had taught her…but one person changed that. One person took that heart that had turned black as coal and saw something else in it. Something good.


And because of her, he was dead.

And that was one thing that would never change.

Kiara gave her witch friend a hug when she noticed the turmoil in Jordyn's silver-emerald eyes. Jordyn definitely needed a hug, Kiara had decided. There was something nagging on the edge of Kiara's mind and she almost mentioned the vampire she had sensed…almost.

At the last second, Kiara decided Jordyn had enough to worry about and Kiara didn't want to add something else to that list because what if she had just imagined the vampire's presence? Kiara was paranoid these days, so she decided it was simply nothing. A slip of her imagination.

She'd soon regret keeping that knowledge to herself.



Kiara looked from the banner to Caroline questioningly. "What is a Welcome to Winter Ball?"

"It's a school dance." Caroline responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Kiara noted that Caroline made it sound like something everyone should know. Kiara cleared her throat and asked, "What do you do, exactly, at a school dance?"

The blonde vampire blinked. "Umm, dance. That's why its called a school dance."

"Oh." Kiara said. She frowned in confusion. "What is the purpose?"

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