One Step Closer {Damon Salvatore} Chapter Fourteen: Darkest Side of Me

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Chapter Fourteen

Lost by Within Temptation

She's lost in the darkness, fading away

I'm still around here screaming her name,

She's haunting my dream world, trying to survive

My heart is frozen, I'm losing my mind

Help me, I'm buried alive, buried alive


"What did I tell you?" Elijah's face was expressionless but the anger blazing in his eyes was obvious.

Jordyn scowled as she stepped out of the car. "Like I'd listen to you."

"Klaus is after you." Elijah stressed, annoyance evident.

Jordyn ignored him and tried to walk past him but Elijah grabbed her arm. "If you want to leave Mystic Falls, I will help." The witch turned in surprise and Elijah continued. "But Kiara is not to come." It wasn't as if Elijah didn't like Kiara, it was the opposite actually. He was thankful Jordyn had a friend like her, however Kiara's current predicament could put Jordyn in danger and he couldn't risk that no matter what.

The scowl reappeared in Jordyn's face. "How many times do I have to say it? Kiara is my friend." Jordyn eyed the Original with hatred. "The one thing I will never do is abandon a friend. I'm not like you. I actually have something called loyalty something you do not."

If only she knew, then she wouldn't pull the loyalty card. "I am loyal." Elijah stated without expression. "Everything I'm doing is in the protection of my-" He stopped talking, eyes shut as if he was mentally counting to ten. When he opened his eyes, they were icy cool.

"Of your what?" Jordyn demanded. "What's your ulterior motive for protecting me, huh?" She ignored the throbbing pain in her head.

"It is none of your concern." Elijah answered coldly. "However, do not plan an attempt to leave again or there will be consequences."

Jordyn's eyes hurt and she felt…tired. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." Jordyn snorted, walking toward the door to the house.

Elijah shook his head and closed his eyes, trying to keep his temper in check. He froze as he heard something hit the ground.

Jordyn lay on the steps, not moving.

Kiara opened the door and her heart stopped as her forest green eyes landed on Jordyn. Slowly she lifted her horrified eyes to Elijah's shocked ones.

The half-demon ran to her friend and shook her. "Jordyn!"

Elijah calmly knealt near the unconscious witch, his face hard as granite. "I feared this would happen." Just what did my idiot of a brother inject her with?

"What's wrong?" Kiara's eyes were wide with fear.

"Her energy is completely depleted."

"This problem…is because she's out of energy?"

Elijah spoke slowly, "Partially."


Jordyn was back with Valyk again. He looked tired. "Hello again Jordyn."

"Valyk? What am I doing here?" Jordyn asked.

"I need to warn you. He's coming." Valyk stated, golden eyes bright with something Jordyn had never really seen before.

"Who's coming?" She asked but before he could answer, the deep golden hawk-like eyes faded to form a dark red that reminded Jordyn of blood.

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