One Step Closer {Damon Salvatore} Chapter Twenty Three: What Cannot Be Undone

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Chapter Twenty Three

If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback

Against the grain should be a way of life

What's worth the price is always worth the fight

Every second counts 'cause there's no second try

So live like you're never living twice

Don't take the free ride in your own life


"This hotel is crap." Damon complained as Jordyn threw her bag onto one of the beds.

"At least there's two beds this time." Jordyn remarked dryly as she moved past him to take a seat on the bed she had thrown her bag onto.

Damon rolled his eyes. He looked out the window at the orange sky where the sun was setting. It was around seven. "Where's this contact of yours at anyway?"

Jordyn sighed as she laid back on her bed. "The park on the north side of the city."

Damon arched an eyebrow. "A park? Really?"

Jordyn shrugged. "Not what I would choose personally, but…El said that's where I should meet her."


"Elmyra, my vampire contact."

"Hence meeting at night."

"Correct." Jordyn stood up and stretched. "I'm ordering Chinese. Want some?"

"Szechuan with white rice." Damon stated as he pulled out Jordyn's laptop.

"No watching porn!" Jordyn shouted back to him as she shut the room door, not even bothering to wait for a reply. Taking out her cell phone, she placed the order. The Chinese place would bring the food to the front counter of the hotel where she could pick it up.

Walking into the elevator, she hit the down arrow button. The elevator stopped at the fifth floor so another person could get in. The person hit the down arrow as well without even turning to glance at her.

Bored with how long the elevator was taking, Jordyn let her eyes wonder around the inside of it. They stopped on the person who was occupying the elevator with her.

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief as she stared at the crimson haired man. "What are the chances," She muttered under her breath, causing jade green eyes to turn to her startled before a smirk crossed the man's face.

"Princess." Aiden remarked with a grin. "What a coincidence."

"Yeah." She replied dryly. The elevator doors opened.

Aiden grabbed Jordyn's arm as they stepped out of the elevator and pulled her to the side. "I hear you need my help." He smirked.

"Unfortunately, you heard correctly." The witch replied.

Aiden held out an arm to her. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?"

Jordyn eyed him distrustfully. "Why should I trust you?"

Jade green eyes turned serious for a brief moment as he looked back at her. "Because I give you my word that I don't intend to harm you."

She stared into his eyes for a moment before slowly nodding, but she didn't take the arm he offered her. "Alright then." The two walked out of the hotel onto the sidewalk.

"So what do you need my help for?" Aiden inquired, grinning. "What could it possibly be to make you come to me instead of going to dear ol' Elijah?"

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