One Step Closer {Damon Salvatore} Chapter Twelve: Dreaming of Destruction

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Chapter Twelve

Smile by Avril Lavigne

You said hey

What's your name

It took one look

And now I'm not the same


"Do you know why Klaus wants Jordyn?" Damon questioned annoyed from his spot standing off by the fireplace, a glass of bourbon in one hand. He took a sip of his drink while glancing at Kiara, who was standing by Tyler and Bonnie.

Bonnie looked to Kiara. Bonnie was still in her sky blue dress, having come with the others as soon as word got out that Jordyn had been taken.

Kiara fidgeted nervously. "Well…" Kiara didn't know what to say. She couldn't break her promise to Jordyn…but at the same time, Jordyn was in danger.

"Out with it already." Damon ordered, appearing in front of her.

Stefan shot him a look. "Quiet Damon."

"'Quiet Damon'" Damon mocked before taking a drink out of his glass and moving back to the fireplace.

"Quit being an ass right now. Jordyn's in real danger if this vampire really is working for Klaus." Bonnie frowned at the oldest Salvatore, a glare in her eyes.

Damon shrugged. "Can't help who I am." Suddenly, the glass dropped out of his hand and cry of pain escaped his mouth as he fell to his knees, holding his head.

"Bonnie!" Elena's voice was sharp. "There isn't time for us to be fighting each other!" She grabbed Bonnie's arm.

The pain stopped and Damon slowly stood up, a scowl on his face. "Thanks for the brain aneurysm."

"My pleasure."

Stefan ignored them as he looked at Kiara. "Kiara," He said gently, "did Jordyn ever tell you why Klaus wanted her?"

Kiara shook her head, "No." She stated honestly. "Elijah might know though."

"I might know what?" Elijah questioned as he appeared in the room.

Damon scowled at him. "What do you want?"

Elijah ignored him and instead focused on Kiara. "What might I know?" He inquired.

No answer came.

Elijah's eyes roamed the room, noting with hidden amusement the glares he was gaining from everyone in the room. "I see everyone's here, so I want to know what is so important that-" His eyes suddenly narrowed and he turned them on Damon. "Where's Jordyn?"

"How do you know Jordyn?" Elena asked, staring at the Original warily.

"That doesn't matter. I repeat, where is Jordyn?"

"How should we know?" Damon looked at the Original. "A red haired vamp took her."

"And you let him?" Elijah hissed, his calm demeanor slipping. In the next instant, he had Damon slammed against the wall with his hand around his throat. Elijah hadn't really thought that Aiden would go through with this. Now he knew better and once again, Elijah cursed Klaus for causing all of this.

"Elijah! I-It's not Damon's fault!" Kiara protested, running towards the two despite Tyler trying to stop her. She looked up at him with wide, frantic eyes as he turned his head slightly to look at her.

"Blame me!" Kiara stated, tears in her eyes. "That vampire used me as bait to lure Jordyn! Damon played no part in this at all." Kiara blinked, tears trailing down her face, voice trembling as she repeated, "Blame me."

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