Prologue- Thea's Past

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|Thea's Past|

Theania's P.O.V

Black. That's all I see. Black walls. Black ropes. Black chair. Just black. I begin to panic. I pull at the ropes around my wrists, hoping to loosen them.

"Thea," A hoarse whispers echos. I jump in surprise. A small squeak of terror escape through my lips. "You don't need to be scared my sweet Theania." I feel something cold press against my cheek and slide down to my neck, stopping at my collar bone.

"Stop," I let out weakly.

It doesn't stop. The cold starts to trace circles on my bare shoulders. Silent tears slide down my cheeks.

"My sweet Theania, don't be scared. If I turn on the light would you feel better?" The mysterious voice says. I nod, hoping the man can see my nod. The footsteps echo though out the room until they come to a halt.

A bright light filters itself around me, blinding me. I blink rapidly so my eyes can adjust to the brightness. I gasp at the sight in front of me.

The walls are stained with dry blood. The walls are made of pure cement with a steel door to top it all off. I look to my capture and my eyes widen.


It can't be....
So its my first chapter... I tried it probably sucks but it will start coming quicker soon, I swear :P

Vote & comment please! Let me know what ya'll think! I would love feedback. Anyways, it is a prologue.

Edited as of April 26, 2017

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