-V- I Won't Look...

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|Chapter 5|
|I Won't Look...|


Ryder's P.O.V.

   I silently reach my hand over to her plate. This is going to taste amazing. Right now, Thea is busy on her phone texting someone.

  "Ryder what are you doing?" She asks. I stop and look up at her. I take the french fry and slowly start to put it into my mouth.

  "Ryder!" She whispers yells. "What the actual hell!" She reaches for the fry, but I shove it in my mouth.

  Her eyes water and I feel myself crumble. Merda.

  "Look, I'm so-" She stands up. She glares at me with watery eyes before heading off towards the door. I sigh and leave a five dollar tip on my tray and run out.

  "Thea, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. It just looked so crunchy and yummy..." I start to drool at the description but immediately snap at of it when I see Thea's glaring eyes.

  "First off," She says in a nasally voice. "Don't call me Thea, call me Theania. Second, Don't ever touch my food. I will personally chop your fingers off and turn them into carrots." She threats. I gulp at her narrowed eyes and serious face.

  "Okay Thea," I smirk at the name. "I promise I wont ever touch your food." She smiles and shivers when a light breeze shifts around us. Her hair flies into her face making her look like a model.

  I tug my sweater over my head and walk over to her. Her eyes widen. "Wait, wha-" Her voice gets muffled by my sweatshirt going over her mouth. She looks up at me with her big blue-grey eyes.

  "What if you get cold?" Worry lines crease her forehead. I fit the sweatshirt over her petite body and smile.

  "I will be okay. Can't have Girlie get cold." I reply. I grin slightly at the nickname I gave her.

  She smiles lopsidedly. "Thanks Ryder." She says nudging her shoulder with mine. We start walking side by side to the car.

  "No problem. Anytime." I look to the corner of my eyes to see Thea sniff my sweatshirt.

  A deep chuckle vibrates through my chest. "Are you sniffing my sweatshirt?" Her cheeks turn red while the tip of her nose turns pink.

  "Sorry. It smells good. Like mint and strawberries." She mumbles. So she is smelling my body wash and gum. We reach the car. Before I can open the door handles an idea pops into my head.

  "Hey want to go somewhere?" I ask suddenly. She looks up at me as she tugs on the handle.

  "Where to?" She asks. I walk away from the car and signal with my hand for her to follow me.

  "It's a beautiful place. I go there to run sometimes or just to listen to nature. I think you might like it..." I trail off. I down at her who has a soft smile on her lips.

  So pretty... I shake the thought from my head, grab her hand and lead the way.


  Thea gasps. "Oh my," I watch as her eyes flitter from each and every detail.

  "I know right," I reply and inhaling the scent of nature. I look at the sight around me. The sight I can never get tired of.

  Pure blue water falls from a cliff about eight stories high. Blooming cherry trees stoop down making it look like a rainfall of pink leaves. Shiny boulders are placed near the waterfall. Small rocks, big enough to sit on, are scattered around the area. Fresh green grass grows from the Earth.

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