-XIV- Promise?

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Thea's P.O.V

  I awake with a groan. I pry open my crust-caked eyes and swing my legs over my bed.

Wait, bed?

"Mom!" I yell. I hear footsteps. My mother, beautiful as ever, walks in.

  I notice that her usual bright brown eyes are red and puffy. I also notice that pink tear marks are trailing down her cheeks.

  "Yes honey?" She asks. I stare at her.

  "Why were you crying?" She looks shocked.

  "I-I haven't been crying," She attempts a smile. It doesn't reach her eyes.

  "Mommy, what's wrong?" I ask, concern lacing through my tone. She walks over and sits next to me.

  "It's so hard, Thea." She looks over at me with tears dripping from her eyes.

  "It's so hard. It hurts. It hurts so much." She rests her elbows on her knees and puts her head in her hands. She sobs into them.

  "Mom, wha-" She looks up at me abruptly.

  "I have to tell you something Theania," She whispers. I nod my head and scoot closer to her.

  "Go ahead, mom," I whisper back. She takes a deep breath and begins her story.

  "You know how I was married before, right?" I nod my head. "How we then got into a divorce?" I nod once more. "That wasn't all."

  "What happened?" Worry settles deep into my stomach.

  "In the year of 1998, a year before you were born, I found out I was pregnant with Jonathons baby.

  "In January of 1999 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He had the most gorgeous head of hair and chocolate brown eyes. We named him Eric.

  "When he was five months old, he was taken. The babysitter, whom I can't remember the name of, took him. Only I didn't realize that she was with Jonathon at the time.

  "My baby was gone for three months until I got him back. I gave him up for adoption because I didn't have the money to care for him. It hurt. I cried for months and months.

  "I found him though, he is actually one of your friends. Asher Condle."

  I gape at my mother. She looks down at her lap and plays with her hands.

  "I get to see my baby again. After sixteen years. I get to see Xavier." My mouth opened and closed like a fish.

  "Mom.." I whisper dumbfounded. "Why didn't you tell me?" I whisper. My heart beats at a abnormal rate.

  Asher might be my brother.

  "I'm sorry honey. It is just hard to talk about." I nod my head in understanding.

  "It's okay mom, that means I actually have a stepbrother!" I smile and rub her shoulder. I glance at the clock.

  "Mom, it's nine, lets go to bed." I state softly.

  She nods and scoots up to my pillows. She grabs my arm and snuggles me into her chest. She wraps a arm around me.

  "Mom," I whisper. She mumbles in response. "Promise you wont leave me for Asher?" Her arm tightens over me.

  "I promise, Thea." I yawn as I nod my head. My eyes drift close.

  Don't break your promise, Mommy.

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