-XX- Never Said That

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Thea's P.O.V

  I sob into Devin's neck. Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die.

  When I screamed for help, it alerted the attention of a nurse nearby. When she saw why I was screaming, she yelled for help and a bunch of doctors came rushing in.

   The nurse tried to drag me out, and in which she succeeded, but lets just say she might have a scar on her cheek now.

  "It's okay hermanita," He soothes, "everything will be okay." I hug Devin tighter.

  "If he dies," I hiccup, "I don't know what I would do!" I sob unattractively into his shirt, soaking it with salty tears.

  He shushes me and tells me not to think like that. Just as I'm about to reply, a doctor bursts in.

  I release Devin and stand up, facing the doctor in the eye.

  The doctor smiles, "Yes, he will be okay." He answers my question before I can even ask. "He just needs to stay for a few weeks so we can make sure he will be fine. After that, he can be released."

  I let out a heavy breath, "That is amazing news, thank you, Mr," I glance at his name tag. "Mr. Dovan."

  "Anytime. If I may ask, the guy you were hugging, is he your boyfriend?" He questions.

  My mouth drops, "Oh God no, he is my brother. The guy I like is in that room." I point to Ryder's room.

   My eyes widen at what I just said. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. "I, uh, never said that!" I rush out. The doctor just laughs and shoots me a wink.

  "You never said that," He repeats and walks off. I rush into Ryder's room to see his heart beating regularly.

  I pull out a chair and place it next to Ryder's bed, resuming my current position.

  "So you and Ryder?" A deep voice chuckles. I groan and cover my face with my hands.

  "You heard that, didn't you?" I hear a laugh.

  Yup, he sure did.

  "I totally did not see you guys kissing that one time in the hallway." Devin says slowly while shaking his head.

  My cheeks burn and I look down. "So you know that I like him, huh?"

  He does a high pitched squeal, "I also totally ship it!" He says in the highest tone of voice he can manage.

  "Whatever, lets just call his parents," I mutter. I look to Devin, who's smile is gone.

  "What?" I ask with furrowed brows.

  "His dad is a drug addict and his mom left him." He states quietly.

  "How would you know?" He looks down and rubs the back of his neck.

  "Imayormaynotbehisstep-brother." He rushes. I blink trying to comprehend the mess of words.

  "Repeat that slower," I look at Devin who sighs.

  "I may or may not be his step-brother." He says slowly. I shrug.

   "Okay," I smile and look back at Ryder. "He will survive." I look back at Devin who is in complete shock. "What?" I say once more.

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