-XVII- Many Things

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Thea's P.O.V

  I do my business and run down the hallway.

  "Hey," I say breathlessly. He continues to stare at the t.v. screen. "Ryder?" I slowly start to approach him.

  He bites his lip and my stomach flip flops. "Ryder," I say louder, "you okay?" I wave my hand in front of his face.

  "Huh?" He snaps out of his trance. His hazel eyes focus on me. "Hey when did you come down?"

  "I don't know," I pretend to think, "maybe about three minutes ago?" He rolls his eyes.

  "I don't appreciate your sarcasm, Miss Ryans," Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

  "Why should I care?" I cross my arms over my chest. I'm testing with fire over here.

  His eyes visibly darkens. "You should care, people are capable of many things." He leans forwards.

  I snort, "What are you 'capable' of?" He stands up and walks to me. He looks down at me.

  "So many things, Thea," He says lowly. I gulp and bite my bottom lip.

  "What kind of things?" I whisper. He smirks. Uh oh.

  "Let me show you," He laughs. He grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder as if I weigh nothing.

  "Ryder!" I screech, "Put me down you puta!" He jumps up and down, causing me to bounce on his shoulder. "I will throw up on your back!" He ignores me.

  "Stop!" I gasp out, "White flag! I surrender!" He laughs more. Then he walks over to the couch and drops me on it.

  "Now do you see what I'm capable of?" He says while looking down at me. The corners of my lips start to raise.

  "Nope," I reply, popping the 'P'. He leans down until our noses are almost touching.

  "Now do you?" He asks. I raise a brow.

  "Nope," I repeat. He climbs on the couch and places his body above me. The only thing holding him up is his elbows.

  Elbows, please do not give out, I silently pray. That is the only thing keeping me from being crushed to death.

  Definitely not being dramatic.

  "How about now?" He whispers. My heart starts to race. I roll my lower lip between my teeth.

  "Maybe," I whisper back. He leans down and pecks the tip of my nose.

  "Now?" I nod my head. He lowers his body next to me and wraps his arm around my waist. He pulls me closer to his body.

  "Ryder," I whisper into the silent air, "why was Chase here?"

  "I was making him apologize. For what he did to you." He states.

  "I know," I say agitatedly. I roll over, or attempt to, so I can face him. "but why?" My breath catches as the sunlight from the window hits his eyes.

  He laughs, "Don't you already know why?" I scrunch my eyes as I look away from his hazel eyes.

  "No," A confused expression is plastered onto my face.

  He smiles light, "Never mind, Sunshine." He pulls me closer into his chest.

  I automatically feel his warmth surround me. My eyes start to flutter close.

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