-X- Tender Kisses

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Thea's P.O.V

  With a strangled groan, I slam the dismiss button on my alarm, causing my phone to rattle on my table. I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. 

  "Mom," I call out. When no one answers I call again.

  "Mom," Silence greets me, my stomach turns with uncertainty. It's never this quiet in the Ryan's house...

  I creep downstairs. "Mommy?" I whisper. I peer around the corner to see four men in black hovering around my parents and brother, who are tied to chairs.

  One of them rips their mask off and shovels his hand through his dark brown hair. He faces my mother and leans down in her face.

   I get a good look of his face. Defined cheeks bones, dark brown eyes and pink lips. Someone eerily familiar.

  "I'm not going to repeat this again," His tone is menacing, "Where the hell is she?" Spittle flies from his mouth.

  My mom whimpers. She tries to talk, but the black bind around her mouth prevents her. The guy angrily rips the bind off.

  "She isn't here!" My mom blubbers. Tears well up in my eyes. "She is at a friends house!" She shouts at him.

  The man slaps her, "Bullshit!" The other men in black pull him back.

  My dad protests and my brother starts to sob. I look around to see if I can find any help.

  The kitchen is right in front of me. My brain works to form a plan.

  I glance back at the men who are angrily whispering. I take the chance.

  I dive into the kitchen and start to open drawers quietly and quickly as I can.

  I pick up a pure white Yoshi knife, the sharpest knife we have.

  I scramble down and scoot to the edge of the kitchen, peering around the corner as I clutch the knife in my hand.

  Beads of sweat form at my temple and I try to control my ragged breathing.

  Don't freak, don't freak. It's not the time to break.

  "Listen here," A deeper voice says, "if you don't tell us where Theania is, we kill the boy." I peek over to see the man holding a gun to my brothers forehead. My moms face pales.

  I put a shaky hand over my mouth in an attempt to cover a sob. I pull back from the corner and press my back against the wall behind me.

  "Three," The man counts. My mothers face pales even more and my father's muffled voice yells.

  "Two," The man clicks something on the gun, getting it ready.

  My eyes water uncontrollably. I shake my head. This isn't happening.

  "One." I squeeze my eyes shut. My face scrunches up as hot tears trail down my face.

  Nothing is heard. I open my eyes, holding my breath, waiting to hear something. All I hear is quiet sobs and yells.

  I peer around to see my mother sobbing and my father yelling muffled curses at the man.

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