Bonus Chapter{1}

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Revealed ¤Part One¤
WARNING: Disturbing and graphic content. If you cannot handle this, please leave. If you can, read on.
{If you cannot, skip all the way to the end for summary}

-Andrew's P.O.V.-

   Theania screams as Leo digs his knife into her arm. I grin at her cry of pain. She deserves it. All of it.

   Her parents are a sobbing mess, and in all honesty, it's fucking disgusting. They truly scenery they have made to be their living room. A woodsy feel to it- slightly comforting.

   The father has spit dribbling down his chin as he screams for Leo to stop. His right eye is swollen shut and his lip is split in the middle.

   The mother has her makeup smeared all over her face with multiple cuts. She didn't get as bad. They both truly put up a strong fight to tie them down.

   The screams stops and I'm broken out of my day dream.

   Theania is sitting there, panting with sweat and tears running down her face. Blood drips from her arm and onto the floor, creating a relaxing drip sound.

   "Now that is done," Leo says, wiping the blade with Thea's discarded shirt. "Time for the parents! Oh, what fun this would be!" He yells. His eyes sparkle.

   I take my knife from the black holster on my leg and put it up to the fathers throat. I trace it, putting slight pressure so it creates welts.

   "Stop it, Andrew." He snaps at me. I puncture the tip into his collarbone, so blood is drawn. He groans at the pain, veins popping out of his neck.

   A drop falls onto the knife and I wipe it away with my finger, then rubbing it on the wife's lips. She tries to twitch her head away, to avoid the crimson drop. I grab her by her chin and yank it so her tear filled eyes focus on me. I release a smile.

   "Andrew!" The knife is kicked from my grip. It clatters to the floor, right in front of the boy, which drenches it in blood. "What did I fucking say? I think I said stop!" Leo growls.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Do what you want." I step away from the father, same with Bryan.

  He walks up to the mother. With a grin of happiness, he walks up to the mother. "I think I will start with you," He grabs my discarded knife, rubbing the blood on the wife's shirt, and cuts away her shirt.

  Theania looks around in a daze, trying to see what is going on. "Stop," She lets out. A cry escapes her lips as they fully rip the mother's shirt off.

  "Bryan, come here." Leo demands. As if Bryan is a puppy in a trance, he follows to stand by Leo's side.

  "What?" He gruffs. Out of the corner of my eye, the father lets out a growl of anger as he tugs against his binds. I snicker in response.

  "What do we think we should do to her?" He asks as he tilts his head to the side. He sticks the tip of his blood-smeared knife in the corner of his mouth.

  Bryan leans over and whispers something. I let out a irritated sigh; wishing I knew.

  Leo's face scrunches up in disgust, then his lips turn up into a smile. "You are fucking nasty-but a genius," He slowly walks over to the mother.

  "Name." He states. She looks at him with dazed confusion.

  "W-what?" She whimpers. His eyebrows shoot down as his lips twitch into a scowl.

  "Bitch, not going to repeat myself. What is your fucking name?" He repeats. I see spit fly from his mouth as he angrily stabs the knife into her hand.

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