-XXIII- First Like

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~Kindly listen to the song above~


Thea's P.O.V

  Zak explains his problem with a serious expression. I laugh at the whole situation and he glares.

  "Why are you laughing?" He demands. "I saw a hot girl but didn't get her number!" He whines.

  "Did you at least get a name?" Ryder speaks. I look at him, who is now holding my hand.

  "Yes?" He replies is a question. I roll my eyes.

  "Then you're good." I state. He runs a hand through his hair, which makes a few tufts stand straight up.

  "I don't know what happened! Like I went to a party yesterday-"

  "Yesterday was a school day!" I exclaim. He waves off my exclamation and continues.

  "Like I was saying, I went to a party. It was wicked, by the way," He adds as if its the most important thing. "but then I saw her. I knew she looked familiar. I went up to her and asked why she looks familiar.

  "She said that we go to the same school! Can you believe that? I never noticed her!" I roll my eyes.

  "It's because you were drowning in your ego." I interrupt. He shoots me a glare before continuing.

  "I asked what her name was, Mariassa Jakel. I asked for her number. She said something before winking and walking away. I swear when she winked I knew I would have a hard on for the rest of my life," He says in a dreamy like state.

  Ryder and I exchange a glance with a smirk.

  "We might know what's wrong with you," Ryder speaks. "You like her." The look of Zak's face is pure comedy.

  "L-like? I don't like! I bang the girl and move onto the next one!" He shouts annoyed.

  He was about to ramble more but I stopped him with a raised hand.

  "First, that's nasty Zak. Did not need to know that. Second, Ryder and I know you like her. I don't think I have ever head a guy say he got a hard on just from a girl winking." I state with a grimace.

  He smiled just remembering it. Wow. He really likes her.

  "Man, just ask her for a date and see where things go from there," Ryder says while putting a hand on Zak's shoulder.

  I yawn. "I'm hungry. Who knows how to make waffles?"


  I stare at the monstrosity you call a kitchen. Eggs are splattered all over the floor. A piece of bread is stuck to the ceiling fan, while droopy waffle matter drips from it. Flour is spread across the floor like a giant is getting ready to make us into waffles instead.

  "What am I going to do?" I groan. I look over at Ryder who is smirking. A mischievous shimmer spins in his eye.

  "What?" I ask cautiously. He walks slowly to me, keeping eye contact. When he is barely a foot away, he stops.

  "Thea, how are you so gorgeous?" He suddenly asks. I look at him with scrunched eyebrows.

  "What do you mean?" I bite my lip. His eyes flicker down to my lip then back to my eyes.

  "Don't do that." He commands.

  "Why?" He steps closer, staring into my eyes.

  "When you do that, I feel like I wont be able to control myself," He puts his hands on my waist.

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