|GRAZIE|Thea's P.O.V
My heart contricts. The breath leaves my lungs. It's hard to breathe. I stand up from the table, leaving him sitting.
"I remember how you cried for days, months, and I bet years." He says with a wicked smile. "Newsflash bitch, they're dead. Get over it."
My hands shake with anger. "Why would the fuck you say that?" I growl. He laughs with no emotion.
"Baby girl, remember that nickname? I can tell you think about it. Get over it."
Salty tears run down my cheeks.
"How am I supposed to get over that? Tell me, Chase. Fucking tell me!" I grab the collar of his shirt and push him back, causing him to fall on his back on the floor. I smack him. "Fucking tell me, Chase!"
Someone grabs my waist and yanks me against their chest. I thrash around in their arms screaming profanities.
"I fucking hate you! Fuck you! You worthless piece of shit!" My voice grows hoarse. I turn into my capturers hold and sob into his chest.
"It's okay, Theania," A deep voice soothes. Asher. "It will be okay, don't cry," Asher slowly starts to lower both of us to the ground. My eyelids start to become heavy.
"I hate you," I whisper. I sag against Asher. "I hate you," My eyes close and I enter darkness.
Ryder's P.O.V.I stare at Asher cradling Theania in his arms. I then glare at Chase sitting up on his elbows on floor.
"Chase!" I bark as I stomp my way towards him, "What the hell was that?" He smiles smugly.
"Are you the one she has been cheating on with me?" He asks. I fist my hands.
"Why would she date a asshole like you?" He smirks.
"I was the only one she had during her time of distress. Also if you fucked her just right she will definitely love you," He laughs crazily.
I pull him up by the collar of his shirt, "Vaffanculo." I spit.
I raise my knee and knee him in the stomach. He groans at the impact but stays standing. He is able to punch me in the cheek, which only makes me enraged.
I send a punch to the jaw and he falls to the ground. I sit on top of him sending punch after punch. Anger blinds me and I lose control.
"You no good son of a bitch scum bag!" I snarl, "You deserve to go to the deepest depths of hell!"
"Stop!" Someone screeches, "Young man stop it right now!" I stop to take a moment to glare at the suspect, only to find the principle staring at me. Flames of anger surround her crystal eyes.
I get up off Chase and take a good look at him. His eyes are closed, already starting to bruise and swell. There are a few cuts in his lip. His cheekbones are a various colors of yellows, blues, and swollen red.
Oops. I shrug. Oh well. "Is that Ryder Connel?" The woman asks.
I rub my swollen knuckles, trying to ignore the stinging sensation, "Yes ma'am. I apologize for the attention I have caused, but I have a reason. If I may, can I tell you in your office?"
Mrs. Waters nods and click-clacks away in her heels. I look to sleeping Thea and walk after her.
"Now can you explain to me why in the God given world you would beat that boy?" She irritates.
I clear my throat, "If I may, can I leave someones name out?" She ponders my question then nods.
"You may." I start the story, leaving out Thea's name of course, telling her how it escalated to where it did.
By the time I finish, she stares at me in shock. "My, Ryder, correct?" I nod. "Well, you were defending that poor girl so just this once I'm am going let you off the hook. On one condition, you have to do community service at the children's children's hospital next to our school."
I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding, "Grazie!" She looks at me confused. I smile sheepishly, "Sorry, I mean thank you."
I cannot afford to get in trouble...I need to protect Thea.
I get up and walk out of her office.
I jog back to the cafeteria and see everyone has just gone back to eating their food. I walk to our table.
"Where's Theania?" I question as I approach.
"Asher took her home," Devin replies, "She passes out due to shock. That bastard hurt her." He spits. I look at the table to realize Chase isn't here.
"Chase is in the nurses office," Devin spits, scrunching his nose at the name, "Fractured nose and a crack rib." Devin laughs. "Good job, dude."
I smirk, "I will do it again if needed."
Asher's P.O.V.I knock on the door of Thea's house. Why does this house look so familiar? I shake the thought from my head and pull into the drive way.
I shake Thea's shoulder softly, "Thea," I whisper, "Come on, we're home, wake up Thea."
She mumbles something in her state and turns her head the other way, snuggling the seat belt.
I sigh. Guess I'm going to carry her. I click off my seatbelt and run to the front door while knocking.
A woman with long brown hair and soft brown eyes open. My mouth opens and closes.
Something flashes in my memory but goes away as fast as it came.
"H-hi," I stutter, "I'm Asher. Something crazy went down at school and your daughter passed out."
She places a hand on her chest as a look of concern fills her brown iris, "Is my Theania okay?" Her voice rings something in my chest. I rub my hand over my chest to rub the ache away.
"Yes, she is. Let me go get her for you." I walk to my car, open the door, and unbuckle Thea. I pick her up and close the car door with a kick of my foot. "I can carry her up to her bedroom if you like?"
"Yes, please."
I walk down the hall and go into her room. I place her gently on her bed and pull the covers up over her waist.
Her mother waits at the door with a shocked expression, "How did you know this was Theania's room?" She demands.
I'm dumbfounded. How did I know? "I-I don't know," I sputter. My heart races.
The woman studies me intently, "How did you know where we lived?"
"Devin." I answer. She nods. My hands start to shake.
"Look Ms. Ryans, I have to go back to school. Knowledge is everything," I laugh nervously and rush pass her out of Thea's room.
"Ms. Neason, not Ryans," She calls after me.
My heart stops. Why does all of this sound so damned familiar?
Wow a crap ton has happened in this chapter. Three P.O.V.'s!
Also sorry if 3 is to much, I know sometimes people don't like that kind of thing but oh well :P
I delicate this chapter to PurpleMonGoose. I would tag Purple, but my Wattpad is acting funky.
Anways, Comment&Vote please!
If you have any covers, email me at far.away.from.stars.1@gmail.comQuestion of the Day:
Why do you think Asher recognizes Theania's mama?Translations:
Vaffanculo- Eff You
Grazie- Thank YouEdited as of June 23, 2017

I Punched The Bad Boy
Teen FictionTheania Ryans has a temper. She will knock the living daylights out of someone if she has to. But, in all honesty, she is a softy. She is also the nerd with a dark past. Correction. She WAS the nerd. Will her new bad girl, with a hint of good gir...