-XIX- Don't Go

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Thea's P.O.V

  I sit next to Ryder in the hospital. Everything is white with fluorescence lights. Everything smells of strong antiseptic.

  Ryder lays on a bed in a mint green hospital gown. His head is slacked to the side. His wounds are bandaged and the large gash on his forehead is stitched.

  I look out at the open door, which leads to the hallway.

  I've always hated hospitals. They always have a depressing vibe. There are always people sobbing over loved ones. There are always people walking around with a drip attached to them. There are always people with dull, painless expressions.

  I look back at Ryder. More tears build behind my lashes. "I'm so sorry Ryder," It's all my fault. Everything is always my fault.

  I grab his cold, limp hand. I wait for a response. "Ryder," I beg. "please wake up," Tears start to fall.

  "Ryder!" I scream. "Please, answer me!" I press his hand to my cheek and sob. He's not going to wake up. The doctors out him in a medically induced coma. His chance in surviving is extremely low.

  A doctor and nurse rush in, "Everything okay?" The doctor asks. He wears the same doctors jackets with blue scrubs. A mask hangs from his tanned neck. "We heard screaming."

  I look to them. I probably look horrid right now. "Please go," I whisper, "I need to be alone right now."

  The nurse nods sympathetically, "Of course, honey. If you need thing just yell," They walk out.

   I focus my attention back on Ryder. "Ryder," My voice is hoarse, "if you can hear me, just know this. You will always be my best friend. I hope more. Ever since we started hanging out I have never been so much happier. I have never smiled so much since the incident. You have been a big impact on my life. Please don't leave me," I sob.

  I hold his hand close to my face once more. "Don't leave me, Ryder," I cry quietly, "I will die for you anytime too."
  My eyes start to drift closed. All the crying must have sucked the energy out of me.

  I scoot the chair closer to the bed and rest my head next to his hand. I squeeze his hand, "I will be here, I promise."

  I yawn. "I promise," My eyes drift close as blank dreamland comes over me.


  "Thea, wake up," A distance voice whispers. I feel a pair of hands shake me.

  "Wake up," It says again.

  I groan and peel my eyes gritty open. I'm met with blurred vision. "Who is that?" I squint. It looks like there are four of the same people.

  Wait, four?

  The person waves a big hand in my face, "I don't know if you remember but it's your best friend, Devin," The voice replies.

  I blink multiple times to clear the blur. Devin's neatly gelled hair and nice clothes pop out to me. "How long have you been here?" I question.
"About three hours," He replies while pulling out a chair, "I decided to wake you up. It's about ten past six, now." My eyes widen.

  "¡Mierda!" I pull out my phone and go to my mother's contact. I glance at Devin who is alarmed by my sudden outburst.

  "Everything okay?" He demands worriedly.

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