Dude, Where's My Lab

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Nobody's POV

"Okay, now we'll check your bionic reflexes. First the left arm." Donald explains pressing a button on the console in the lab. The four bionic teens, who are each wearing a neck brace, lung their left arms up hitting everyone but Mia.

"Ow!" The three older bionic teens groan.

"Okay, now the right arm." Donald says pressing another button on the console, causing the four bionic teens right arms to jerk upwards. Before it can Bree's hand can hit her, Mia ducks out of the way and dodges it.

"I love this game." Mia chuckles.

"Ok uh Mia, why don't you stand in the middle. Adam you stand in front of her, Bree you stand to her left and Chase you stand to her right." Donald says.

The four teens follow their orders and Donald presses a button on the console, causing the older three bionic teens to hit their sister.

"Ow!" Mia cries clutching her arm in pain.

"Come on, Big D, it's summer vacation! Let's hit the beach. Slap on some shorts and show everyone your pasty little walking sticks!" Leo groans.

"Not now, Leo. We're doing some routine bionic chip maintenance. Besides, this is fun, right, guys?" Donald asks turning towards the bionic teens.

"Good times." Adam sighs.

"A blast." Chase groans glaring at Donald.

"Couldn't be better." Mia says, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Okay, are we done here? I wanna go be normal for a while!" Bree groans taking off her neck brace and throwing it towards Donald. Instead of hitting him it hits Tasha and knocks the tray in her hand, causing her to spill juice all over the console and make it spark.

"Can't we go just five minutes without something sparking, exploding, or oozing around here? Ever since summer vacation started, it has been like one long science experiment." Tasha sighs walking over to Donald.

"I'm sorry, honey. I... you know... maybe... maybe Leo's right. Maybe we need to take a break and go to the beach." He says.

"Ahh!" Mia and Bree sigh.

"Yeah!" Adam and Chase shout hi-fiving each other.

"We'll take a whole weekend, as a normal family, you know? No gadgets, no phones. We'll do it totally tech-free." Donald explains, once again, flashing his smile.

"Oh, that is exactly what I need. You would really do that for me?" Tasha asks.

"Of course. You are way more important to me than the amazing innovations born of my genius." Donald says as Tasha walks out of the lab, heading up to pack her stuff.

"Wow, Big D, it's really nice of you to blow off work for my mom." Leo says walking over to him.

"Well, you know, Leo, now and then, everybody needs a little piece and..." Donald sighs before a loud alarm goes off.

"Quiet!" Donald shouts over the alarm.

"Ok thats definitely not my alarm!" Mia shouts above the noise.

"It's the early warning satellite system." Chase says walking over to one of the consoles.

"It's detecting a giant solar flare. When that thing hits the atmosphere, it'll cause massive power failures and a total blackout of satellite communications." Donald explains.

"Okay, I should tell my mom we're not going to the beach, then." Leo says walking towards the door.

"No, no, no, no. Don't tell your mom a thing about this." Donald orders grabbing Leo's arm.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 4 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚜 • 𝙻𝚊𝚋 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚜 • Where stories live. Discover now