Who Is Marcus: Marcus In The House

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(This is one of my bonus chapters.) Part 1 of 4
Nobody's POV

"This is Leo Dooley and if your watching this, something horrible has happened. I've been tracking the new kid, A.K.A Marcus, A.K.A Suspect Number One and he's not who he claims to be. But I'm determined to answer the question, "Who is Marcus?" Leo says into his old video camera.

"Ahem, aren't you forgetting someone."

"Oh yeah, and Mia's helping me out too." Leo mutters.

"Helping? I'm the one doing all the work." Mia says.

"Like what? I'm the one filming this." Leo protests.

"I hung from the ceiling to spy on Marcus." Mia says.

"Yeah but your bion-I mean your tough, you can handle that kind of thing." Leo stammers, just as the lights in the lab go out.

"What was that?" Mia asks.

"Someone probably just blew a fuse." Leo says, trying to hide his own fear. Suddenly, all of the lights around them start to flicker, making Leo and Mia scream.

The lights flicker back on and they find Adam, Bree and Chase laughing while Adam holds a hairdryer in his hand.

"What are you doing?!" Leo snaps.

"Uh... Just scaring the heck out of you guys with a hairdryer. "Oh, look at me, I'm Marcus and I'm scary. I'm gonna get you." Adam mocks, making Bree and Chase laugh even more.

"You see! This is what I have to live with!" Mia groans.

"Guys, you're being ridiculous with this whole "Marcus" thing." Chase chuckles.

"Yeah. You're both totally paranoid." Bree adds.

"I am not paranoid. Marcus is up to no good." Leo says.

"Leo's right, he's a demon!" Mia shouts.

"Leo, calm down. Don't get your nightgown in a wad." Chase chuckles.

"It is not a nightgown. It's a nightshirt. I'm tryin' something new. Let things breathe." Leo says, showing off his nightshirt.

"Oh. Like a nightgown." Bree says, making everyone but Leo laugh.

"Mia!" Leo shouts glaring at his step-sister.

"Sorry, but they have got a point about the nightshirt." Mia chuckles.

"I'm glad you all are laughing now, because you won't be for long. Marcus is planning something. And he will not stop until he gets what he wants. We have to stop this guy. You with me?" Leo explains.

"Nah." Adam mutters walking out the lab.

"Not really." Bree adds following Adam.

"Get a hobby, dude." Chase says before following them out.

"I'm with you Leo." Mia says.

"Thanks Mia. You've always got my back." Leo sighs, just as the power goes out again.

"Very funny, guys. I know it's you. Give it up. Guys?" Leo says looking frantically around the room.

"Leo, I don't think it's them." Mia stammers.

"Leo...Mia..." Marcus' voice echoes in the lab.

"Ahhh!" Leo and Mia scream.

"The truth is coming..."

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