Then There Were Five

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Nobody's POV

"Good news, guys. I am totally free this weekend. No meetings, no conferences. Just two fun-filled days with me." Donald explains as he walks into the living quarters, where the four oldest bionic teens are sat.

"So no conferences at all? You know, if we looked really hard, I bet we could find you one." Bree says with a shrug.

"Are you saying you don't want to hang out with me?" Donald asks in a hurt voice.

"Well, if she's not, I am." Adam says from across the room.

"All right. What about you, Leo?" Donald asks turning to his step-son.

"Uh, Big D, I'd love to, but I just really don't want to." Leo replies with a shrug.

"Don't worry, Mr Davenport. I'll hang out with you." Chase says standing up.

"You know what? I got a lot of work." Donald mutters, just as Douglas walks into the room.

"Hey, Douglas. What's wrong with you?" He asks turning to his brother, who looks like he's seen a ghost.

"I just got a phone call from Daniel." Douglas says.

"Who's Daniel?" Bree asks with a confused look.

"Your brother." Douglas replies in a blunt voice.

"Hey guys. What'd I miss?" Mia asks walking into the room, everyone staring at her with shocked looks.

"What? Did someone find a long lost sibling or something?" She chuckles, not realising the irony in her sentence.

"We have another brother?" Chase gasps as they all stand around Douglas in the living quarters.

"I never told anyone, but I actually created five bionic superheroes. Adam, Bree, Chase, Mia and Daniel." Douglas explains.

"What is with you naming your kids in alphabetical order? And why did you skip Mia?" Leo asks.

"To be honest, I kinda lost my mind at number four." Douglas says with a shrug.

"I should be hurt, but I'm honestly not surprised." Mia replies.

"I can't believe you never told me. Of all the rotten things you've done, this has gotta be the worst." Donald scoffs glaring at his brother.

"I had to keep it a secret so Daniel would be safe. He was just a baby the day you stole these guys from me." Douglas protest.

"Rescued!" Donald shouts.

"Stole!" Douglas shouts back.

"Okay, we get it! You're both terrible people! Get to the point." Leo groans, breaking up the petty argument.

"After Donny ratted me out, I knew I'd be living on the run, so I found Daniel a nice family that was looking to adopt. That way, he could have a safe, normal life away from all my chaos." Douglas explains.

"How old is he?" Mia asks.

"Thirteen. He found some old records that listed me as his biological father, and he found my phone number, and here we are." Douglas sighs.

"Well, when do we get to meet him?" Bree asks with a smile.

"Whoa, whoa. I just talked to him for the first time. I don't think either one of us is ready for that." Douglas says.

"What did he say?" Donald asks.

"That he's ready to meet me. Okay, look, I just don't know if I'm ready to be a dad." Douglas sighs.

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