Parallel Universe

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Nobody's POV

"Inventing the wheel? Boring. Discovering electricity? Snooze. Sliced bread? Lame. But now, Davenport Industries introduces the world's first... Proton Fuser!" Donald shouts as he reveals his new invention to his kids in the lab.

"You know, for a scientist you'd think your payoffs would be a bit more proportionate to your buildups." Leo chuckles, making Donald glare at him.

"Uh, the payoff is that it allows us to see the origins of the universe. This thing fuses sub-atomic particles, so we can understand how planets form." Donald explains.

"Well, we already understand how boredom forms." Bree chuckles.

"Haven't you ever wondered where stuff comes from? Galaxies? Stars? Planets?" Donald asks.

"This stuff, no. Onion rings, yes." Adam says.

"Chocolate milk, yes." Mia adds.

"Guys, I have always wanted to build this thing, and now it's a reality. It's an important life lesson: If you have a dream, believe in it, 'cause it can happen."

"Um, Mr. Davenport, isn't it dangerous to tinker with the fabric of the universe?" Chase asks.

"He said 'tinker.'" Adam chuckles.

"Yes, technically it could destabilize the earth, or open a wormhole into a parallel universe. But, I made it and I wanna play with it, so... Prepare to be amazed!" Donald explains

"Or gravely injured." Chase mutters, making Adam push his three siblings behind him. The machine makes a few weird noises before switching off again.

"Once again, big buildup, teeny, tiny payoff." Leo chuckles.

"Okay, the popcorn is popping and the movie is uploaded. Or downloaded. Whatever, the red thingy is blinking green. Just head upstairs, it's movie time!" Tasha says walking into the lab, making everyone flood out of the room.

"I do love a matinee." Leo mutters walking towards the lab doors.

"Oh, hold it, mister. No movie for you until you finish your chores. Your room is a mess, and you haven't washed the dishes in days." Tasha orders.

"But, I've been looking forward to this movie all week." Leo whines.

"And I've been looking forward to clean dishes all week." Tasha says.

"Really? Well, that's just sad." Leo mutters, making Tasha glare at him.

"Leo!" Tasha snaps as Leo sneaks up behind them all and watches the movie, directly disobeying her orders.

"Aah!" Leo screams jumping back.

"I said no movie!" Tasha shouts.

"Hey, I'm trying." Leo groans.

"That is it. No TV for the rest of the week." Tasha orders.

"That's not fair. By the way, I've seen this movie. I wouldn't get too attached to that dog." Leo says before walking off.

"Stupid chores." Leo groans walking into the lab, where the Proton Fuser is creating some black hole. "Help! Help! Help! Help! Please help!" He screams as he's sucked inside the hole, popping out on the other side straight back into the lab.

"I do not know what just happened, but I need a bathroom!" He shouts straightening his jacket and running towards the elevator.

"Whoa." Leo gasps as he walks into the living room, which is full of completely different furniture than earlier on.

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