Who Is Marcus: Chicken Leo

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Part 2 of 4

Nobody's POV

"This is Chase Davenport. Things are bad. Really bad. Marcus has captured Leo and turned him into this." Chase gasps into Leo's camera, holding up a rubber chicken.

"Let me see that. Tiny head, bony chest, skinny legs. Looks like Leo to me." Adam chuckles.

"Oh no. Without leo who will save us from Marcus?" Bree mocks.

"What about Mia? Won't she save us from Marcus?" Chase asks.

"Give me my camera back. These guys obviously don't believe me when I tell them something is going wrong with Marcus." Leo groans snatching the camera back.


"When we tell them then." Leo mutters, not wanting to annoy Mia.

"I believe you Leo." Adam says waving the chicken in Leo's face.

"Wha- chicken!" Leo snaps shoving the chicken away.

"Strange things have been happening. Things we can't explain." Mia says.

"They're right. Just this morning I saw something very unusual. Chase was talking to a real life girl and she didn't run away." Bree gasps.

"Hey! Actually that was pretty cool, wasn't it." Chase mutters.

"Quit messing around this is serious. I've been sensing an eerie presence. I don't have any proof but I think Marcus is watching us." Leo says.

"Leo, there's no way Marcus could see what we're doing in the lab. But if he could, boy would he have gotten a show yesterday." Adam chuckles.

"Oh I saw that, you were dancing like a lunatic." Mia chuckles.

"Good times." Adam sighs.

"That's what you do when we leave the house?" Chase asks.

"Yeah. But usually without pants." Adam says.

"Leo's right. Marcus is not who you think he is." Mia says.


"Ahh! Demon!" Mia screams.

"There it is again. He's watching us. You guys feel it?" Leo says turning back to Adam, Bree and Chase, only to find them not there.

"Why doesn't anyone believe me?" Leo groans setting his camera down and walking off.

"Don't worry Leo, we'll convince them." Mia says following Leo.

"I believe you Leo, because I'm watching you. I'm watching all of you." Marcus cackles as he appears on the screen, a small smirk on his face.

"No one can prepare for this."

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