Robot Fight Club

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Nobody's POV

"All right, guys, gather up. Today, we are going to be studying one of the most time-honored traditions in Japanese culture." Donald explains as he and the four bionic teens stand in the lab, each wearing a karate gi.

"Ooh! Nun chuck combat?" Bree gasps.

"Samurai sword fighting?" Chase asks.

"Bo staff combat?" Mia asks.

"Wrestling ginormous dudes in diapers?" Adam asks, being immature as usual.

"We will be studying the great martial art of aikido, the key principle of which is to deflect your aggressor's attack by using his own speed and strength against him." Donald explains.

"Can we just get to the part where I obliterate them?" Bree groans as Donald phone rings.

"I have to take this. Uh, it's about money. Which is not more important than you, but is a very close second." Donald says grabbing his phone and running out of the lab.

"Hey, Adam, attack me." Chase says turning to his brother.

"Okay. Your hair is stupid, you're short, your face is weird, you're weird." Adam says.

"I meant hit me." Chase groans.

"Okay, good, because that was going to be a really long list." Adam chuckles.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure about this? Adam is ten times stronger than you. Even Mia is five times stronger than you." Bree says.

"She's right." Mia chuckles.

"Doesn't matter. With aikido, a weak opponent can defeat a much stronger one." Chase explains.

"Ah, but what if the weaker opponent fits neatly into an overhead storage bin? I'm talking about you." Adam chuckles smirking at his brother.

"Just hit me." Chase groans raising his fists. Adam runs at him and Chase flips him onto his back, making him shout in pain.

"And that's all you need to know about aikido." Chase chuckles straightening his gi.

"Oh, I get it." Bree says before grabbing Chase's arm and flipping him onto his back.

"Bree, that's not aikido!" Chase shouts glaring at his sister.

"Oh, really? My bad." Bree says, obviously not sorry.

"It may not be aikido, but that's what I call entertainment." Mia chuckles hi-fiving Bree and Adam before they walk out of the room.

"Guys, I need your help. The annual Mission Creek Robot Throwdown is coming up." Leo says running up to Mia and Chase.

"Leo, for the last time. I'm not a robot. I'm a man." Chase says, making Mia and Leo give him a strange look. "One day, I'll be a man." He mutters.

"Yeah and Mr Davenport says I'm not supposed to get into throw downs. Apparently I'm destructive." Mia says.

"I'm not talking about you. It's a competition where remote control robots fight to the death. Here, take a look." Leo explains showing them a video on his laptop.

"Leo, that's cool and all, but I've got way better things to do than-" Chase sighs.

"The grand prize is $500." Leo says, cutting Chase off completely.

"And I'm in." Chase says.

"Me too." Mia adds.

"Who's that guy?" Chase asks pointing a guy on the screen.

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