Which Father Knows Best

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Nobody's POV

"Well, Bree, you smashed your chip so badly it's useless. But! I was able to replicate my brother's original chip and like my face, it's flawless." Donald explains as he and the 5 teens stand in the lab, once again finding a way to gloat.

"Forget the chip. We need to get this dude a mirror." Leo mutters.

"Oh, we could get him one of those house of mirror thingys! They make you look hilarious!" Mia chuckles.

"Wait, so I'm actually going to be bionic again?" Bree asks turning to Donald.

"Yep." Donald says with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Bree gasps hugging her father.

"Your chip's almost ready." Donald says, just as a machine beeps across the room.

"Ooh! Snacks are done!" Adam shouts walking over to the machine.

"For the last time, this is not a microwave! It's a chip fabricator." Donald sighs walking over to him.

"Call it whatever you want. I'm still making my mini pizzas in here." Adam says as Donald pulls the chip out.

"Oh Adam, can you make me a pepperoni one later?" Mia asks, making Donald shoot her a look.

"Okay, Bree, hop in your capsule when you're ready for your new chip." He says handing Bree her chip.

"You know, Big D, if this works, maybe you can make a chip for me." Leo suggests as Bree walks into her capsule.

"Please, your body can't handle high-fiber cereal." Donald chuckles.

"So? How does it feel?" He asks as Bree walks over.

"Like a piece of metal just got jammed into my neck and fused to my nervous system." Bree says, stating exactly what was supposed to happen.

"Woo hoo! Success! Alright, now, give it a try, see how it worked." Donald chuckles.

"Okay." Bree mutters walking into the middle of the room.

She attempts to use her super-speed and ends up on the ceiling for a few seconds, destroying some pipes before falling back onto the ground.

"Well, she's still more useful than Chase!" Adam chuckles, making Chase glare at him.

"Aren't we all." Mia adds, making Chase direct his glare to her.

"You know, technically speaking, your bionics are working..." Donald mutters as Adam sets Bree down on a stool.

"You call this working?! I can't control my vocal manipulation! I can't control anything!" Bree cries, the pitch of her voice changing after every sentence.

"But you have to admit, you sound pretty funny." Mia chuckles, making Bree glare at her.

"Bad timing?" She mutters looking away.

"I'm so close. It just needs a few tweaks!" Donald sighs as he puts a neck brace around Bree.

"Guys, we're in big trouble if he can't fix her. We need her speed and agility for missions!" Chase sighs pulling Adam and Mia across the room.

"Well maybe we'll just find someone to replace her." Adam suggests.

"We can't just replace her! No one can match her speed!" Mia shouts giving him a strange look.

"You're right. Let's just forget about her and move on! She's dead to me!" Adam shouts, pulling a sad face.

"What's wrong?" Chase asks, giving him a strange look.

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