Perry 2.0

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Nobody's POV

"Morning germ sacks! I know you've all be complaining that the technology around here isn't quite up to date, so thanks to your truly we're getting cutting edge equipment for the whole school to enjoy." Perry explains walking into the hall.

"Behold, Mission Creek High's brand new media centre!" She gasps pointing to an outdated TV.

"Chase, what is that?" Mia asks turning to her brother.

"Don't worry Mia, it's before your time." Chase sighs patting her on the back.

"How is this thing new?" Leo asks.

"It's new to you Dooley." Perry says before walking off.

"Terribly sorry to bother you, but could you help me find me locker?" A boy with a thick Irish accent asks walking over to Adam and Bree.

"No! Guys! No! Back off Irish!" Mia shouts running over to the three of them, pushing Bree and Adam away from the boy.

"Quit it Mia. Sure I'll help you." Bree says taking the boy's locker information from him.

"Oh, 324. Your right over there." She explains giving him the paper back and pointing across the room to his locker.

"Why thanks. I'm Alaster by the way. Foreign exchange student from Ireland." Alaster says shaking Bree's hand.

"I'm Bree, this is my brother Adam and my little, annoying, sister Mia." Bree says gesturing to her siblings.

"I'm not annoying, I'm protecting you guys!" Mia protests.

"Aren't you a wee little thing." Alaster chuckles tapping Mia on the head.

"Let me at him!" Mia shouts running at Alaster, only to get held back by Adam.

"I can show you around later on if you want." Bree suggests.

"Cheers." Alaster says before walking off.

"Wait a second, new kid from a foreign country. Do you know what this means?" Adam gasps.

"That your not the only one we'll have to speak slowly to?" Bree chuckles.

"No! He's a bionic spy!" Adam says looking over at Alaster.

"Why do you think I ran over and told him to back off? I was trying to protect you guys, we can't have another Marcus." Mia sighs.

"Guy's that's ridiculous. Alaster seems like a nice guy." Bree says waving at him, receiving a wave back.

"Oh no, she's got another crush!" Mia groans, receiving a punch on the arm from Bree in the process.

"Mia, we are gonna prove that he's a bionic spy. But first, we must learn to speak Irlandish." Adam says walking out of the room.

"Irlandish, got it!" Mia shouts running after Adam.

"Hey Bree, what are you siblings like? Or they're not too bad, they just talk 'Irlandish'." Bree mutters before following her siblings.

"Leo, read what's on page 47 of your history book." Chase says as he and Leo study in the lab.

"I don't have a page 47. I have a 4, a 7, a 12, a 32 and what I hope is gum on 98." Leo groans as he looks through his book.

"This book is so old. Listen to this: Chapter 4, horseless carriages taking over the streets of America." Chase reads.

"Other schools teach on laptops and tablets. We're reading from text books that warn us the British are coming. We need to do something to bring Mission Creek High to the 21st century." Leo sighs as Donald walks over.

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