Sis Down

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Nobody's POV

"Okay, what is with all the happy, squeaky hamster noises? Did you finally grow a chest hair?" Bree asks as she and Chase sit in the lab, where Chase is making weird noises in the corner.

"No! I grew two. Actually, this is a little something I like to call 'Adam's payback.'" Chase explains.

"For what?" Bree asks.

"Don't you remember what happened last Thursday?" Chase asks.

"Oh, yeah." Bree chuckles, the memory flooding her mind.

"Adam, there is no way you can clear that counter." Leo sighs as he, Adam, Bree and Mia stand in the living room.

"I can reach that easy." Adam says.

"I've seen him do it." Bree says.

"It's awesome." Mia adds.

"Hey. What you guys talkin' about?" Chase asks walking into the room.

"This." Adam says picking up Chase and throwing him into the counter across the room, making him scream in pain.

"Told you." Bree says turning to Leo.

"Oh, yeah. We all love the 'bionic brother toss.'" Bree chuckles.

"Yeah? Well, let's see how he likes this." Chase says as he finishes setting up his trap, just as Adam, Mia and Leo walk in.

Instead of Adam Mia walks in first and steps on the trap, causing her to hang from the ceiling on the rope.

"Whoa! This is cool and all, but who did this!?" Mia shouts.

"Oh no! It was meant for Adam! I'm sorry Mia!" Chase gasps running towards his sister.

"No biggie, I'll just melt the ropes with my Pyrokinesis." Mia says looking up at the rope. She holds at her hand and generates a ray of fire, melting the rope and sending her crashing into the table below.

"Aaah! Ooh! That tingles!" Mia groans emerging under the table, her right arm bent completely out of shape.

"Uh-Mia." Bree stammers pointing to her sisters arm.

"Oh cool, I thought my arm couldn't move like that." Mia chuckles.

"Um... it can't." Chase mutters, his mouth agape.

"OWWWW! Ohhh!" Mia screams clutching her arm, the sight of which causing Leo to pass out on the floor.

"You're lucky it's just a dislocation. How many times have I told you guys not to goof around?" Donald sighs as Mia stands in the lab with a sling on her arm.

"Brace yourself, because this is probably gonna shatter your world, but they don't listen to a word you say. Especially her." Bree says pointing to Mia.

"Look, I know this was a freak accident, but she could have seriously been hurt. What if she'd have landed on her head?" Donald explains.

"It would of cracked open like last time." Mia says.

"Wait, what?!" Donald snaps, shocked by the news.

"Uh, nothing." Mia mutters, trying to change the subject.

"But Mr. Davenport, I wasn't trying to hurt her- I was trying to hurt Adam. He's is always punching me and throwing me around." Chase groans.

"Yeah, but when I do it, it's funny." Adam chuckles.

"Adam, it is not funny. If any of you get seriously hurt when I'm not around, all it takes is one X-ray of your bionic chip and you know what happens next." Donald sighs.

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