You Posted WHAT?! Pt.1

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Nobody's POV

"Guys, the rupture's getting worse!" Bree gasps as she and her siblings stand at the mission site, where a cracked pipe is releasing gas into the air.

"That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak or it'll explode. Go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks." Chase orders turning to Bree.

"On it." Bree says before super speeding off.

"Oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is unstable." Chase says as he scans the pipe.

"You ever wondered what it'd be like if we weren't bionic? What's, like, the first thing you'd do?" Adam asks.

"Well it would suck cause I wouldn't be able to do this." Mia says as she generates a ray of fire in her right hand.

"Or this." She says generating small electrical bolts in her palm.

"Or this." She says soaking Chase's face with her hydrokinesis.

"WILL YOU STOP GOOFING OFF!" Chase snaps glaring at her.

"You know what I'd do if I wasn't bionic? Try and become bionic." Adam says.

"That's genius!" Mia gasps hi-fiving this.

"Can we just do this?!" Chase groans glaring at them both.

"Fine. I'll seal the crack with my heat vision." Adam says turning towards the crack.

"Yes, let's shoot blistering heat at highly flammable gas!" Chase scoffs giving him an annoyed look.

"Adam just said that. Were you not listening? Some people!" Mia groans shooting him a look.

"Just let me contain it with my force field first." Chase says as he puts his forcefield around the crack.

"All right, it's only gonna hold for a few seconds. Go!" He orders as Adam uses his heat vision, sealing up the crack.

"Pipe secure." He says turning away from the pipe.

"Checked all 200 miles - 70 of which had poison oak!" Bree groans as she super speeds back over, pulling pieces of poison oak from her hair.

"All right, let's get out of here." Chase says.

"All right, grab on." Bree says turning around and holding out her arms.

"Actually, I'm going to take the bus." Chase says before running off.

"Me too." Adam adds running after Chase.

"I'mma bounce." Mia mutters running after her brothers, Bree super speeding after them.

Little did they know, someone was filming them from a distance. And she had captured everything she needed.

"What's everybody lookin' at?" Bree asks as she and her siblings walk into the school, where all the students are staring at their phones.

"A new viral video. Guess what it's called? 'The World's First Bionic Humans'." Perry says walking over.

"What?!" Bree and Chase shouts.

"Wait, there are other bionic people? Then why are we working so hard?!" Adam groans.

"Yeah, we could really use a vacation." Mia adds.

"She's talking about us." Chase says giving them a 'duh' look.

"Yeah, look." Perry says holding out her tablet, which shows the video footage of the previous mission.

"That's yesterday's mission!" Chase gasps.

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