Speed Trapped

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Nobody's POV

"Tonight's the night! The new frozen yogurt shop is opening! Fifty-two flavors, and four of them are sugar-free." Chase gasps as he sits in the lab, his words making Bree give him a strange look. "Oh, who are you kidding? You passed out the first time you discovered nail polish." Chase says.

"I've heard of those yogurt places. They get you by charging extra for toppings. So, I'm bringing my own." Adam explains walking over, showing off his jacket full of toppings and sauces. "You don't even wanna know what's in my pants. Aah! Ooh! Hot butterscotch! Ooh!" He shouts hitting his pockets, spilling hot butterscotch down his pants.

"Sorry, you guys are coming home straight after school. So no flavors, no froyo, no hanging with the bros, peeps, and homies." Donald says.

"Did I hear you right?" Mia asks walking over to Donald. "Bros, peeps and homies? Geez, I thought Chase was cringe." Mia sighs patting her father on the shoulder.

"Yeah. What's got you so grouchy? They run out of human footstools at the rich-guy club?" Leo mocks.

"Did you forget your little buddy Marcus found the lab yesterday? He could've discovered our bionic secret." Donald says.

"Oh! Okay, so it's our fault that your million-dollar smart home system didn't stop him?" Bree asks, trying to thrust the blame on Eddy.

"Don't go there, supergirl. I was getting my beauty sleep. Something you might want to look into." Eddy cackles, making Bree glare at him.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though someone was supposed to be watching him." Donald says, looking over at Leo.

"Well, technically someone pulled Leo away, letting Marcus roam free." Leo says.

"Bottom line, I am keeping a tighter leash on you guys. And Leo, because I can't always be there, you have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them." Donald explains, trying to evert the blame from him.

"No problem, Big D. I may have let one goon get too close, but I won't let any more Marcuses slip through the cracks. From now on you can call me the enforcer!" Leo shouts pulling hero poses.

"The hammer is down, people. No more talking to boys, no more talking to girls, no more helping old ladies to their cars!" Leo shouts walking past Adam, Bree and Chase.

"I was helping your grandmother." Chase protests.

"Trust no one!" Leo shouts, cutting Chase off.

"Why aren't you telling any of this to Mia? Your letting her do whatever she wants and she's the little one." Bree groans.

"Because Bree. Young, innocent, misunderstood Bree." Mia sighs walking over to her sister. "I was the only one smart enough to realise that Marcus is crazy and shouldn't be trusted. Unlike you poor children." She explains, making her siblings glare at her in response.

"It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here!" Donald squeals running into the lab.

"What? What is it?" Bree asks.

"Whatever it is, I hope it came with a big box of masculinity, 'cause I never want to see that again." Eddy cackles.

"Just come here!" Donald shouts running out of the back door in the lab, the others following close behind.

They run out into the garage and find a sleek grey car parked right in the centre, making them all gasp.

"Meet the world's first self-driving car, designed by yours truly. That's right, just when you thought I couldn't get more awesome, boom! I got more awesome!" Donald chuckles.

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