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I roll over and turn my annoying ass alarm off. I check the time and jump straight out of bed! Oh my goodness its 8:30am! I rush to the bathroom and freshen up. I didn't even bother showering at this point. I brush my teeth, put my hair into a messy bun and get dressed. The outfit I decided to throw on were some black skinny jeans and a black hoodie over it. I grab my backpack and off I go. I try to be as quiet as possible because my roommate is still sleeping since she starts class at 11:30am. I make my way outside of the building and I'm basically running to my class. I live on residence, so it wont take me long to get there but I am still very late. I make it to my class and remember that I am in university, nobody really cares if you come to class late or not. I sit at the back since its the only seat available and try to pay attention as hard as I can. I open my backpack and realize I didn't bring my phone with me. Fucccckkkkkkk! This day just keeps getting better and better. I shouldn't have stayed up till 4:00am watching Grey's Anatomy, but I couldn't help myself. 

"Excuse me, do you have a black pen by any chance?" a girl with red hair asks me. I nod my head yes and give her my ONLY black pen, so she better give it back to me. I keep trying to pay attention to the professor, but I really can't since my stomach is deciding to make dying seal noises now. I always wondered how professors can talk for so long. One of my professors talked for 6 hours straight, didn't stop one bit. He didn't even drink water or anything, he just kept on talking and talking. I really wish I brought my phone with me because this is a boring ass lesson. Since I don't have my phone with me, I decided to observe the people around me. I catch this one girl picking her nose which makes me lose my appetite completely. Gross. A boy in front of me is on Facebook watching cat videos on his laptop. "Arabella, do you mind telling us what a pancreas is?" my professor asks me. My cheeks turn a crimson red because he obviously caught me not paying attention to him. Think Arabella, think.  "A pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach and next to the  small intestine." I answer confidently, thank you Grey's Anatomy. "That is true, but I am asking you what is its function, not where its located. I see you haven't read the textbook miss" my professor says in a mocking tone, making the nose picker look at me. "No, I have sir" I ask, quite shaken up a little bit. I was never good with being put on the spot, I start to shake and my palms get sweaty. I forget everything. 

"Very well'' he says in a professional tone, looking away from me finally. He is a good professor, he just likes to put people on the spot which I hate with my entire soul. Class finally ended at 11:00am, I pack my stuff and make my way outside of the classroom away from the intimidating professor. I haven't had breakfast yet, so I decided to stop by a little breakfast diner. I walk to the breakfast diner which is called brunch and munch. I used to work here until school got hectic. That's what happens when you want to go into the medical field, you barley have time for yourself but I love helping people so I don't mind. I walk in the diner and mentally thank god because its not packed, meaning I can get my food quickly. I order my food and wait on the side for it. I look around the diner and see couples and old people. I see a tall man walk outside of the men's restroom but I don't pay much attention to him anyways, it's not like i'll ever see him again. 

I finally receive my food and quickly sit down before anyone takes my spot. I eat my food faster than usual and leave the diner. I walk home and I see my roommate from afar leaving our building and walking to school. I guess she's late also. Although she went to bed early last night. Weird. My roommates name is Teddy, she has green hair and brown eyes. When I first met her I was petrified, but I got used to her appearance and she doesn't really bother me. We barley talk other than a simple 'hi' here and there. I make my way inside the building and to my room. I unlock the door and immediately jump into the shower. My body is hot a sweaty and my hair is oily. I grab my Bath & Body Works body wash and start washing my body first, then I grab my Pantene shampoo and wash my hair right after. Thankfully I don't have any classes this week due to exams, but I finished all of mine so I'm good. I can watch Grey's Anatomy all night now, FUCK YEAH! I finish my shower and get dressed into my comfortable pajamas. I dry my hair with a blow dryer and spray myself with vanilla body spray. I decided to take a nap because I am exhausted and only got 5 hours of sleep last night. I make my way to my bed and lay down with a little blanket over me, I close my eyes and let sleep take over. 

5 hours later

 I wake up all confused and wondering what year it is. I hear this really annoying sound near me but I can't figure out what it is. I look to my side and see my phone lighting up, letting me know I'm getting a call. "Hello?" I say into the phone, voice all groggy. "ARABELLA HI" Pam screams on the other end of the phone. Pam is one of my friends, I met her in biology class and we've been friends ever since. I don't necessarily trust her because one, she has a big mouth and two, shes the type of person who will let a kidnapper know where you live if hes looking for you. "Why are you screaming Pam?'' I ask her annoyed, while putting her on speaker because I was to tired to hold the phone to my ear. "What are you doing?'' she asks me, "really? That's why you called? To ask how I'm doing? Pam you could have texted me I was sleeping" I tell her groaning in the process. "Sorry I didn't know" she says giggling on the other end of the phone, "it's fine, what are you doing?" I ask her. ''I'm at home working on our assignment" she says while crunching on something. Chips? I could really use some chi..."hello" she says on the other end, interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah? What did you say again? What are you working on?" I ask her, while taking a sip from my water bottle. I always leave a water bottle next to me no matter what. "The one from biology class silly. Remember? You have to find an article and then figure out what medical problem the person or animal had, then write a paragraph letting the teacher know how to fix the issue" she says in an obvious tone. "Oh right, yeah that. Fuck I didn't even start that whoops" I tell her, laughing in the process, ''it's due today you know that right'' she says on the other end. "When's it due?" I ask her, getting out of my bed to get my laptop. "Twelve" she says while yawning. ''Well I need to get started then, bye Pam thanks for reminding me" I tell sincerely. ''No problem, bye" she says and with that she hangs up the phone.   


Hours and hours later, I still haven't found a good article. My roommate came home and went right to sleep but I'm still awake, drinking an ice cap and eating mozzarella sticks. I come across this article called, "Capture" I click on the article and start to read. 

The article was basically telling me how this girl named Gemma Styles was kidnapped by someone and still isn't found yet. It's been over 2 years and she is still missing. I feel so bad for her. I hate seeing these things happen, it breaks my heart and she looks like someone whose so full of life. Her family is probably so heartbroken, I really hope they didn't lose hope on finding her. I find an article on an endangered species and decide to write a paragraph on that. I finish writing my paragraph and I hand it in earlier than I expected to actually. I make my way to my dorm window to close the curtain, but something catches my eye. I see a shadowy figure just standing there, outside of the residence building. My heart starts to thump in my chest and I quickly close the curtain. What the fuck was that? I start pacing in my room, afraid to look out there again. What if its still there? What if its at my window? Okay, Arabella you need to calm down, breathe in and out, in and out. I try to calm myself down and I finally get the courage to look outside again. I peek outside the window and notice that whatever it was, isn't there anymore. It's just my imagination most likely. Your eyes and your mind like to play tricks on you. I decide to drop the subject and lay in bed on my phone, since I haven't been on it all day. 

I check instagram, twitter and facebook. Nothing's really been going on lately and I don't follow up on celebrities either. I leave my phone next to me and grab my laptop so I can watch some more Grey's Anatomy. I sign into my computer and the first thing that pops up is a Skype call from my parents. I click accept, but before I do I put my headphones in so Teddy doesn't hear because she is very cranky when someone wakes her up. "Hey mom, hey dad" I say in a whispered voice. "Hi honey, how are you?" my parents ask me smiling wider than ever. "I'm okay, I've been tired but I'm hanging in there'' I say smiling while finishing off my last mozzarella stick. "How have you guys been?" I ask them kindly, "we've been good honey, we got a fish actually, his name is Bill" my dad says. The fuck? Bill? ''Dad, who the fuck names a fish Bill?", "Arabella language" my mother scolds. "Sorry mom" I say slightly laughing and shaking my head. Suddenly, the phone rings where my parents are and my dad picks it up. ''Oh Arabella, sweetie, we have to go" my dad says while looking at the camera, "okay, bye guys ill talk to you soon. I love you both" I say waving to the camera. ''Bye sweetheart,  we love you" they both say at the same time while waving. I end the call turn my laptop off, plug my phone in, and go to bed.  

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