6 Years Ago

30 5 9






I fucking hate that alarm. 

I open my eyes slowly, just in case. I'm being cautious because I tend to leave my window curtain open and in the mornings the light blinds me. 

I turn over and turn off the alarm clock quickly. I pick up my phone and scroll through social media, just to see what I missed while I was asleep. 

From: Teddy 

Hey, today we're looking for Arabella with the police at 6:00pm. 


To: Teddy

I can't make it sorry :( 

From: Teddy

Why not..... 

To: Teddy

I have plans for lunch and I don't think I'll make it home till later on at night..

From: Olivia

Why can't you come? 

To: Olivia

I have plans. 

From: Olivia

With who? 

To: Olivia

An old friend. 

From: Olivia

Can I have a name please? 

I didn't bother replying to Olivia at that point. 

Teddy stayed with Olivia last night because my roommate came home from visiting her family. 

I can't tell Olivia who I've been talking to. I know she would freak out because she doesn't like him at all. 

His name is Chaos Philips. 

My ex-boyfriend from six years ago. 

My..abusive..ex-boyfriend, from six years ago. 

I know, I'm an idiot for talking to him again but he claims that he's changed. In ways, I believe him. I miss him so much and I just wan't to know if he's okay. 

Olivia will kill me if she finds out. She hates him with such a passion, it's quite scary. 

If Arabella was here I'm sure she'd take Olivia's side as well. 

What's the harm though? We've been broken up for six years. I'm sure he's changed. 

I have lunch plans with him at 2:00pm at Russ & Daughters Cafe, then we're going to the movies following with a stroll around Times Square.  

I pick up my phone again to check the time. 

The clock reads 1:02pm. 


I leap from my bed, and head to the shower. I quickly wash my body, since I washed my hair last night. 

I walk out of the shower and dry my hair quickly. I apply light makeup to my face and quickly get dressed. 

My outfit choice is black skinny jeans, with a tight black long-sleeved shirt paired with a pair of black vans.  

I grab my purse and shove necessities inside of it, such as my phone, wallet, a small makeup bag, pads, tampons, etc. 

I lock the front door quickly, bid a goodbye to my roommate before that, then I ran out the door.


I sit patiently at the restaurant all alone. Chaos hasn't showed up yet and I'm starting to get anxious. 

He texted me when I got here that he's on his way, there's just traffic. 

"Hey," I hear a voice behind me say, causing goosebumps to arise on my skin. 

I haven't heard that voice in so long.

I turn around and make eye contact with the boy I was forbidden to love. 

"Chaos," I whisper lightly. His eyes meet mine and I sense pure adoration in them. 

I get up from my seat and give him a bone crushing hug. 

I've missed this. 

I've missed his arms around me, no matter how I'm feeling. 

Chaos, was always there. 

We sit down and begin surfing the menu, trying to decide what to order. 

"Do you see anything you like?" He asks, eyes still stuck on the menu; never once leaving it to meet mine. 

"Yeah," I answer with no emotion written in my voice. 

He looks up at me and smiles warmly, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach as if they're trying to get out. 

"Hi, my name is Jason, are you guys ready to order?" the waiter asks us while taking out a piece of paper and pen. 

"Yes we are," Chaos chimes in quickly. 

We let our waiter know what we want, while he writes down everything we say. 

Chaos decided to order for me for some odd reason, but I didn't put much thought into it. 

As we continue to make conversation, the waiter comes over with our food. We immediately dig in, and it tastes amazing. I let out a quite moan of satisfaction when the food touched my taste buds. 


A few hours passed and we're still at the same restaurant, talking and laughing. 

"And then, he tripped and got completely covered with mud," Chaos says, while wiping his tears away while I hold my stomach while laughing. 

We continue laughing until my phone breaks our fun and begins to ring. 

I check who's calling and the name that flashes on the screen is Teddy. 

"Hold on, I have to take this," I mouth to Chaos before getting up and answering the phone. 

"Hello?" I say while walking out of the restaurant. 

"Pam? Where are you?" Teddy asks in a confused state. 

"I'm out, remember?" I say, gritting my teeth at how quickly she forgets. 

"Right," she says shortly. 

"Well, what do you need?" I ask, walking back into the restaurant since a cold breeze started to form. 

"We're going to look for Arabella with the police, remember?" Teddy says, as if it's so obvious. 

"Teddy, I'm out. I can't look for Arabella today!" I shout, getting so frustrated with her green haired head, that looks like fucking dead grass.

"Do you even care about Arabella? The fact that you're out, rather than looking for your own best friend," she says, anger evident in her voice. 

"What makes you think I don't care about her? I have my own life also. Of course I fucking care about her, but today I have plans with an old friend," I say, my jaw clenching at her stupid logic that tends to annoy me at times. 

"Arabella is in trouble, Pam." Teddy adds on, pausing word after word as if I don't understand English.

"I fucking know, Teddy. That doesn't mean that I don't care about her. I have my own plans today and I do not want another call or text from you, or Olivia." I shout, ending the call completely and storming my way back to my date. 

"Is everything okay?" Chaos asks in a concerned voice. 

I take a seat in my chair, taking a deep breath in the process before saying, "fine, everything is fine." 

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