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Weeks and weeks have passed. Nothing much has been happening, actually. It's the same routine everyday, still. I wish Harry would take me outside or at least try talking to me more. Ever since that week where basically EVERYTHING happened, Harry has been distant. He comes down once in a while to say hi or to ask what I'm doing, but he gets the same answer every time. 

I wish he wasn't the type to push people away, but sadly he is. In some twisted way, I still don't want to go home. 


What a weird place home is. 

Staying here with Harry has given my life some adventure. When I was at home, I only focused on school, nothing else. Here, I worry about a lot of things. Harry. Myself. Wondering if I'll make it out alive. 

For some reason, as much as Harry says he won't yell at me anymore or act like he used to I don't believe him. Sometimes I try to push his buttons on purpose, I immediately see his jaw clenching; trying to control himself. 

Harry is a ticking bomb. It's only a matter of time until he completely explodes. 

I'm afraid of that actually. 

I'm afraid once he explodes, I'll be struggling to survive. 


I wake up with a throbbing headache and pain in my lower region. My thoughts last night couldn't be silenced, no matter what I did. 

I slowly try to get up from laying down, making my way into the bathroom. I've been having really bad cramps and I don't know when my period is going to come. I personally don't want it to come, because I don't know how Harry will react. 

I take a seat on the toilet, pulling my underwear down in the process. 

Oh no. 


Spoke to soon. 

Curse you mother nature. 

Fuck what will I tell Harry. What will I do? 

Okay, think Arabella think. 

I grab toilet paper and put it on my underwear. I wipe, flush and pull my underwear up my legs. 

Goodness, this is uncomfortable. 

I wobble to the sink and begin brushing my teeth. I look up and stare at my reflection in the mirror. 

I should audition for a haunted house, I look like death right now and my cramps aren't helping. 

I start combing my knotted hair, making sure it's perfectly brushed.

I wobble outside of the bathroom, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling underneath me. I grab a pair of grey joggers and a red t-shirt that has the peace sign on. I go into the bathroom, change my underwear putting a new pair on with toilet paper on top. Changing into clothes right after. I put a pair of socks on because I remember my mom telling me that when you're on your period, always wear socks. 

I fix up the couch and turn the TV on, waiting for Harry to bring down my food. 

A couple minutes later Harry comes down barefooted, wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and a white plain t-shirt.  

He hands me my plate with two pieces of toast on, one covered with jam and the other one with nutella. I notice he has another plate in his large ringed hand, taking a seat next to me. 

I finish up my breakfast in exactly five minutes. Harry is still on his first piece of toast, staring at me wide eyed; probably wondering how I ate everything so fast. 

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