Never Have I Ever

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"Okay Arabella, I'm going to need you to lift your leg up, then stretch it out in front of you," Louis says in a sweet tone. 

I nod my head, and do what he says; scrunching my face up in pain due to the action I just did. 

I open my eyes and notice Harry looking at me with sad eyes, making me look away. 

"Arabella," Louis says waving his hand across my face to get my attention. 

"Sorry," I blush while looking at him. He flashes me a kind smile and says, "that's alright love, do the same action 3 more times then we'll move onto your arms." I nod my head and continue to do what Doctor Louis told me. 

He's kind of hot when he's acting all doctor like. 

Okay I really shouldn't. 

One, ow. 

Two, fuck. 

Three, bitch. 

"I finished Louis," I shout loud enough for him to hear me, even though he went upstairs to help Harry with bringing lunch down. 

"Okay," he shouts back making me giggle at his voice crack. 

Harry and Louis come down with 3 plates full of food. 

My meal consisted of four chicken and cheese quesadillas. 

My mouth began to water just by looking at those heavenly things that will soon be in my stomach. 

I took a big bite out of one of them, and a quiet moan of satisfaction escaped my mouth at the taste of the quesadilla that touched my taste buds. 

The richness of the cheese so heaven like; the perfectly grilled juicy chicken, all so tasty at the same exact time. 

"Do you like it?" Harry asks, while chewing on his food and smirking. 

"Why are you smirking?" I ask raising my eyebrow in suspicion as to why he's being so cheeky. 

"Because you stared at that quesadilla as if you're waiting for it to propose," Harry says while chuckling in the process, followed by Louis. 

My cheeks flush red at his noticing. 

Gosh, I probably looked like such a loser. 

It's not my fault that I love food so much, so suck my ass Harry Styles, suck my ass! 

"Suck your ass?" Harry says raising an eyebrow, looking at me while pursing his lips. 

"What?" I ask in confusion. 

"You just told me to suck you ass?" Harry asks in more so a question than giving a point. 

My face flushes red even harder. 

I can't believe I said that out loud. 

"Niall, Liam, and I are going to come over later tonight for a little fun night to get our mind off of things," Louis chimes in changing the subject. 

Thank you, Louis!

"Harry, maybe you can suck Arabella's ass then," Louis says, while erupting in a fit of laughter Harry joining in immediately making me want to shove my quesadillas in their faces. 

"Shut up," I whine, dragging out the p in up. 

Harry and Louis continue laughing as if Louis said the best joke in 2017. 

I roll my eyes. 

"Okayyy, are you done?" I ask kind of annoyed at how childish they're being. 

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