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Today is the day. 

The day I finally go back to school. 

Well, not necessarily back to school but close enough. Liam is coming to get me caught up in things I would've learned in University but in a home-school type of way since he is in fact, a professor. 

I woke up early in the morning to get ready. Harry made me breakfast, while I changed into a pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie. Harry also set up two desks with chairs tucked in them, making the basement have a school feeling. 

I'm sitting on one of the chairs waiting patiently. 


I'm not so sure about this little school lesson between Arabella and Liam. 

I know that I'll have to leave them alone but  I will go down once in a while to see what's going on. I trust them both, I just don't trust feelings. 

Arabella is mine, and will forever be mine. 


"Liam, mate how are ya?" I ask welcoming Liam with a bro hug. 

"I'm alright I guess, how are you Harold?" he asks ruffling my hair since it's long, and not currently in a ponytail. 

"Peachy," I reply with bitterness evident in my voice. Liam eyes me awkwardly, but I pretended like I didn't see.

"Well, Arabella is downstairs waiting for you." I say sighing right after. 

"Oh she is?" he replies raising an eyebrow, while taking a bite out of a banana from my own fruit basket. 

My jaw clenches while I nod my head in frustration at his modest tone. 

He smirks at me then makes his way downstairs. 

Liam, you picked the wrong day. 


"Hi Liam, how are you?" I ask standing  up to shake his hand, but he greets me in a hug answering my question by saying, "fine." 

I smile and take a seat, Liam sitting next to me. 

"So Arabella, where did you leave off in school before all of this?" he asks taking out papers. 

"An article I remember that,but I don't remember what it's about," I reply a bit nervous because he's in his professor zone. 

"Not a problem," he replies handing me a piece of paper with Chemistry written at the top. 

I take a deep breath because my anxiety is acting up. 

"I'm going to need you to answer all of these questions and show your work, okay?" he says looking into my eyes. 

I nod my head quietly and start doing my work. 

Liam takes out his laptop and does some type of work. 

I finish up my work, and Liam hands me another sheet that reads Physics. 

"Liam, question four asks to write the formula for weight and I have no idea how to do that." I say shyly. 

He looks up at me, and I've never noticed how pretty his brown eyes are.  

I continue to stare, while Liam stares back. Liam was about to open his mouth before an obnoxious cough roared through the room startling us both. 

I look to the side and see the one and only. 

Mr. Harry Styles. 

"How's the studying going?" Harry asks amused at our close proximity between Liam and I.  

"Good," Liam says coming closer to me making my cheeks go red. 

"Are you understanding what's being taught darling?" Harry asks looking at me with a sinister smirk. 

I nod my head. 

"Arabella, use your words please," Harry says while walking around us to see what  we've accomplished. 

"Yes," daddy . I say daddy in my head so he doesn't hear me. 

He smirks, giving me a mere heart attack because I thought I said that part out loud but I didn't, thankfully. 

"Well I just came back from work, and I wanted to see what you guys were doing and what progress was being made," Harry says sitting next to me, really closely. 

"We need to be alone, Harry," Liam says coming close to me also. 

What is happening?

"Why do you need to be alone? Am I bothering you Liam?" Harry fires back. 

"No," Liam says glaring at him.

"Am I bothering you, Arabella?" Harry asks whispering his question in my ear, making goosebumps arise on my skin and my spine tinkle at his voice. 

"No Harry," I reply leaning into him. 

I catch Harry smirk at Liam, and Liam shaking his head after. 

"Arabella go back to work," Liam demands but it isn't as scary as Harry demanding things. 

I nod my head and go back to work, skipping that one question that Liam hasn't helped me with. 

Harry stands up and goes upstairs, coming back down with a salad for Liam and I a couple minutes later. 

How was my first day of school, you ask? Very interesting. 


"Bye Liam, thank you." I thank Liam giving him a hug while he promises to see me tomorrow since it's the beginning of the week. 

I go take a shower, while Harry and Liam bid their goodbyes to one another. 

I listen at the door to see what will be shared. 

"I won't do anything Harry, I'm just messing with you." Liam assures him, while Harry laughs and says, "good." 

I take a shower quickly, then go to the kitchen where Harry is. 

"Arabella, you can't just come up here whenever you want," Harry says raising  his voice causing my eyes to go wide at his short outburst. 

I look down and start walking away. 

"No, no, Arabella, come back I'm sorry," Harry comes running after me before I make it to the basement door. "You can stay and come up whenever you want, but only in the kitchen." 

"Why the sudden change of mind?" I ask while holding his hand and walking to the counter. 

"You, um, reminded me of someone." he replies grabbing himself a glass of water. 

"Who?" I ask curiously. 

"No one," he says clicking his rings on the glass, not looking in my direction. 

I frown.I lean my head on his broad shoulder, playing with his hair in the process. 

It's quiet. A good, comfortable quiet. The quiet you have when no one says a word, all you hear is breathing with your own thoughts consuming you. 

"It's nice having you here, Arabella." Harry says turning to face me. 

"It's nice being here," I smile at him. 

He stands up, his height towering over me while his hands find my waist and rest on them. My arms find his neck, while his face leans in. I lean in at the same time, our lips brushing in a bliss full way. I finally feel his full lips on mine; his lips warm next to my cold ones. We continue to kiss passionately, while his hands roam my back. I start to tug on his hair causing a moan to escape his lips. I smirk thinking I won, but he grabs a fist full of my bum causing a moan to release, giving him an entrance for his tongue. Our tongues battle each other, while Harry picks me up and sits me on the counter, the making out continuing. 

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