Something there?

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It's been a couple days since the awkward dinner and honestly, I'm glad that's over and so is Harry. Liam and Cheryl's big announcement left us all dumbfounded and really confused as to why they had to announce it then. Harry talks about how far apart they are in age, but we really shouldn't be the ones talking. 

If Liam is happy then it's okay, right? 

I tried asking Harry what's Niall's deal with Liam but he said I should stop being nosy and ask Niall or Liam instead of always asking him. No one tells me anything but I end up finding out anyways. 

Liam still comes over to teach me and it's actually working. I have a test tomorrow which I am nervous for, and that reminds me that I have to study tonight. 

I'm currently in the living room with a towel around my head because I took a shower. Harry left for work 6 hours ago and it's 6:00pm right now. I had lunch by myself, and I called Harry asking what he want's for dinner but he told me not to make anything and that he'll be home soon. 

I'm wearing a midnight blue dress that's long sleeved with white flats on my feet. I decided to finally get out of the towel and begin brushing and blow drying my hair. This usually takes me a couple minutes. 

I brushed while I was blow drying it this time, which made this whole process quicker. I finish up a few strands and put things back where they belong. As I walk downstairs I see Harry walking in with a few bags in his hands, locking the door behind him and looking up at me. 

"Hi love," he says flashing me a smile and walking up the stairs where I'm standing. He grabs my hand and kisses my palm. I grab the right side of his face in my hand and kiss his left cheek causing him to blush right in front of me. 

"What's in the bags?" I ask, taking one out of his hand and walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. 

"Just some groceries. I was thinking of making fish and chips today for dinner, would you like that?" he asks sweetly while looking at his phone and typing away. 

I nod my head and smile. 

He puts his phone away, then opens his mouth to ask me a question, "would you like to go outside?" 

My eyes go wide. 

"Like, outside somewhere? Or outside to the backyard or front yard?" I ask, trying not to fumble over my words at my nervousness. 

"The front yard." he says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the front door. I can't stop smiling because I really want to see how his house looks from the outside and what the view is. Thankfully he didn't put a blindfold over my eyes; either he forgot, or he just didn't want too. Either way, I'm not complaining. 

He opens the front door, and my mouth hangs agape. 

The first thing I notice is the bright green grass that covers half of the area. On the far side in front of me is a huge gate that closes his entire house and huge front yard. 

I run down the flights of stairs and begin running on the grass while Harry stands tall at the top of the stairs at the front door. I turn around to look at the house and it's just how I imagined it to be: HUGE! 

The house is mainly a brown color, but the roof has a red stripe going around it. I continue to look at the house, and I notice some parts of it remind me of a castle in the Medieval times. The pointy roof at one part of the room, and the huge door. This house is wonderful, but also quite scary at the same time. 

When you don't move it's completely dead silent, not even a gust of wind is blowing today making it scarier. 

"Arabella, come inside." Harry shouts from where he's standing, breaking me out of my thoughts immediately. 

I turn my body towards him and shake my head no. 

I look down and see his fist clenching really hard, making me stand up and walk towards him very fast. I notice that he's not looking at me but he's looking behind me, causing me to turn around. I look around, but I don't see anything suspicious. 

Harry grabs my arm and pulls me inside, locking the door with all the locks that he has on it. 

"What was that?" I ask confused. 

He completely ignores my question and says, "you're not allowed to leave this house without me here. You can't open the front door or a window, and if you do the alarm will go off immediately contacting me so you won't be able to lie about it either. It isn't safe and I wan't you to be safe, do I make myself clear?" 


"Good. You can either study for your test tomorrow, or help me with dinner. Your choice." he says walking off, and me slowly trailing behind him. 

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