Prologue |

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My forehead lays pressed against the window as I listen to the rain drops slowly plop against the glass on the other side

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My forehead lays pressed against the window as I listen to the rain drops slowly plop against the glass on the other side.

I never imagined in a million years that I would leave the fast paced life of New York, where there were interesting places to go and new faces to see everyday, to such a small town that I couldn't even locate on Google Maps.

But I had to go.

My luxurious lifestyle was hit pretty hard when I watched my father be taken out of our penthouse in handcuffs and the months that followed after were an exploitation of my mother and I. She didn't deserve it but I did begin to see myself in a new light.

A rich, snobby, entitled brat who didn't have anything or anyone really to live for. It was quite sad to see that I wasn't a warm, bubbly person but rather someone who was made of stone and could care less about anyone's feelings for that matter.

But here I am, with the opportunity to start fresh.

No one has to know the old Veronica.

I don't want her to exist anymore.

I look up, staring at the ridiculous amount of trees that we pass swiftly before I see a sign that catches my eye.

Welcome to Riverdale: The Town With Pep!

Rolling my eyes, I curl up in the passenger seat, forgetting that my mother had been talking to me about all of the wonderful things she's remembers about this town. Because this is her home after all.

Not mine.

She already had an apartment here before I came, to get things settled so the transition wouldn't be so chaotic.

But if she can be excited about it, I can at least give it a shot.

The old Veronica Lodge died when we entered into this little old town.

It's time to start over.


Hello to anyone who's reading this

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Hello to anyone who's reading this. Riverdale is seriously intriguing so I decided to write a story about my favorite character Veronica. The cast of the this story are the main characters of the show Riverdale, but I hope you guys enjoy it!

Illusion // Veronica LodgeWhere stories live. Discover now