XVII | Down To Earth

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I wish I had some time to think over everything that's been happening, but a call comes through on my phone and I take it.

"Hello? Veronica?"

It's my father.

Sinking down in the sofa, I begin to twirl the lace on my navy blue satin shorts.

"Daddy," I simply mutter before he begins a weak chuckle

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"Daddy," I simply mutter before he begins a weak chuckle. I can hear the grogginess in his voice, making me believe that calling me was his first priority when he woke up. He thought of nothing else.

"My little girl. How have you been? It sounds like you just woke up as well."

"Daddy, it's seven in the morning. I've been up for an hour or so gathering my things."

"On a Saturday? You're going shopping?"

"I don't have time for shopping anymore," I begin to laugh as he gasps in shock.

"Has Riverdale changed my little girl? This is not like her. What's going on?"

"Nothing of concern. I just made friends who aren't into to that as an everyday hobby like yours truly. Tell me how have you been?"

As I listen to him talk, I close my eyes and the feeling of being home begins to set in.

The Riverdale rain is no longer plopping on the window in front of me, instead a single ray of light radiates inside, illuminating the specs of dust that flutter in the air. I can see my father scratching his dark beard that rests on his warm olive skin. His slender fingers are wrapped around his favorite maroon mug, which is filled with his favorite chamomile tea. He sits on a stool with his eyes closed and a wide smile on his face.

He's not quite awake yet, but that doesn't stop him from trying to talk to me about any and everything before I take a car ride to school.

It's all so surreal.

And when he speaks again, reality returns.

"Veronica, I know things have been very tough on you. Especially considering that you've never lived there, but I can assure you that I'll do my best to make you comfortable even if it's from the inside. I feel horrible for how everything happened and this is the least I can do."

"You don't have to do anything. I'm doing fine. Really I am," I mutter with the least bit of my usual confidence into the phone before there are a few recognizable taps on my door.

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