XXIV | End

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The hospital visit was one for the ages

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The hospital visit was one for the ages.

Archie was in and out of the room they gave him as x-rays and treatment were given to him. At one point, Archie squeezed the life out of my hand as they stuck a needle in him but he wasn't as obnoxious as he was in his garage. Cheryl stayed closed by me, bickering with Archie when he wouldn't listen to what the nurses and doctor had to say.

But I'm glad to say it's all over.

The hospital staff had Mr. Andrews' number in there records so they were able to call him. He brought my mother along with Archie's mother and the three of us had to listen to a triple stuffed lecture from the three parents as we sat in the back of Fred's pickup.

The usual lecture for why none of us never seem to call them when things happen. And I've never really thought much about it but not one single time we've gotten into trouble have we called any of them.

As we pull in front of the Pembrooke, I notice Archie's head on my left shoulder, his snores light and peaceful while Cheryl's hand is laced with my right hand.

It's safe to say that I did my best keeping these two from doing anything more ridiculous tonight. Cheryl wouldn't admit it but she wasn't all right. Multiple times during the night I saw enormous flames burn in those chestnut brown eyes.

It was frighting to say the least.

"Cheryl, come with?" I ask her as before she looks at my mother who only nods and smiles back. I didn't want her to go back home. I couldn't go with her and she could potentially create a catastrophe for anyone there.

I could keep an eye on her here.

And she didn't need to be around all of that chaos until she was absolutely ready.

We thank the Andrews before we make our way into my home. My mother complains about her feet hurting before she realizes there are things much bigger than that and she gives Cheryl a towel and a pair of my satin pajamas to change into it because she says "a nice hot shower can help any dark night, even if it's just a little."

She takes her shower than I do mine and she crawls into my bed, staring at me awaiting me to say something for her to sarcastically shoot down.

"Cheryl. You need some rest."

"Veronica Lodge saves the day again."


"You've really been there for me Veronica. I don't like many people but I like you. This has been a crazy experience and you've really been helping me through it Veronica Lodge."

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