XXII | Answers

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After leaving the school with Betty, the two of us begin to dive head first into any illogical reason for why FP is Jason's muderer

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After leaving the school with Betty, the two of us begin to dive head first into any illogical reason for why FP is Jason's muderer. Nothing seemed to be moving until we started putting our own stamp on this investigation, so maybe someone was on to us.

Maybe FP was getting framed because of his background and he was an easy target, putting us at crossroads. Putting FP away would be easy but if he didn't do it, it would leave guilt on our minds. If we could somehow help him out, we would have to start over with the search.

"V, did you hear what I said?"

I shake my head as Betty removes my pearl necklace.

I feel defeated.

"I said that someone's on to us V. This isn't making any sense."

"That's what I'm thinking. None of this is making many sense at all Betty," I say turning around to look at her. "What do we do?"

"What can we do?"

"There's always something to be done."

"Are you so sure?" Betty asks as she sits down on my bed, already out of her pale blue dress but halfway in a pair of my royal blue satin pajamas. She was struggling to button the shirt so she left part of it open.

Running my fingers through my hair, I kneel down, moving boxes from under my bed until I pull out Jason's jacket.

Thinking back to Halloween night, I remember Cheryl clutching it to her chest as if her brother was in the jacket, holding her just as tightly back but she dropped it. FP picked it up and kept it safely guarded at his trailer.

Only now I have it, so what does that mean?

I run my thumb over the leather gold sleeves, imagining what life would be like if Jason was still here to wear it.

Would Jason and I even be friends?

I never met him but I'm doing so much for him. I'm doing so much for his sister.

"You know Jughead's father was around the car that night on Halloween," I say staring at the wear and tear around the collar. "If he is involved in anyway, that would explain why he quite possibly lit the car on fire. Could it be he was working for someone?"

Betty stretches out on my bed, her fingers now running through her own blonde strands of hair before her widened blue eyes look at me.

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